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Oil palm cultivation, household welfare, and exposure to economic risk in the Indonesian small farm sector
Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-03 , DOI: 10.1111/1477-9552.12433
Nadjia Mehraban 1 , Christoph Kubitza 1 , Zulkifli Alamsyah 2 , Matin Qaim 1

The massive expansion of oil palm in tropical regions has substantial implications for socioeconomic development. Several studies show that smallholder farmers benefit economically from cultivating oil palm. However, most existing studies examine short-term impacts with cross-sectional data, which has two disadvantages. First, issues of endogeneity are difficult to address with cross-sectional data. Second, dynamic and risk effects cannot be analysed. We address both issues by using three waves of panel data from smallholder farmers in Indonesia and pseudo fixed effects panel estimators. We show that oil palm cultivation increases household living standards, measured in terms of annual consumption expenditures, by 13% on average. Moreover, we demonstrate that oil palm cultivation tends to reduce households' economic risk, measured in terms of potential decreases in living standard due to income variability. The risk-reduction effect is evident despite fluctuating international palm oil prices and consequences for oil palm revenues and profits. Oil palm requires less labour than alternative crops, thus freeing family labour for other economic activities. We find that oil palm farmers are more involved in off-farm activities, which helps to smooth income and consumption. Policy support may be required to address oil palm adoption constraints that some smallholders face. In addition, fostering the non-farm economy and improving household access to lucrative off-farm jobs are important for equitable rural development.



油棕在热带地区的大规模扩张对社会经济发展具有重大影响。多项研究表明,小农从种植油棕中获得经济利益。然而,大多数现有研究使用横截面数据检查短期影响,这有两个缺点。首先,内生性问题很难用横截面数据来解决。其次,无法分析动态和风险影响。我们通过使用来自印度尼西亚小农的三波面板数据和伪固定效应面板估计器来解决这两个问题。我们表明,油棕种植使以年消费支出衡量的家庭生活水平平均提高了 13%。此外,我们证明油棕种植往往会降低家庭的经济风险,以收入变动导致生活水平的潜在下降来衡量。尽管国际棕榈油价格波动并对油棕收入和利润产生影响,但降低风险的效果还是很明显的。与替代作物相比,油棕需要的劳动力更少,因此可以腾出家庭劳动力进行其他经济活动。我们发现油棕农民更多地参与非农活动,这有助于平稳收入和消费。可能需要政策支持来解决一些小农面临的油棕采用限制。此外,促进非农经济和改善家庭获得利润丰厚的非农工作的机会对于公平的农村发展也很重要。尽管国际棕榈油价格波动并对油棕收入和利润产生影响,但降低风险的效果还是很明显的。与替代作物相比,油棕需要的劳动力更少,因此可以腾出家庭劳动力进行其他经济活动。我们发现油棕农民更多地参与非农活动,这有助于平稳收入和消费。可能需要政策支持来解决一些小农面临的油棕采用限制。此外,促进非农经济和改善家庭获得利润丰厚的非农工作的机会对于公平的农村发展也很重要。尽管国际棕榈油价格波动并对油棕收入和利润产生影响,但降低风险的效果还是很明显的。与替代作物相比,油棕需要的劳动力更少,因此可以腾出家庭劳动力进行其他经济活动。我们发现油棕农民更多地参与非农活动,这有助于平稳收入和消费。可能需要政策支持来解决一些小农面临的油棕采用限制。此外,促进非农经济和改善家庭获得利润丰厚的非农工作的机会对于公平的农村发展也很重要。这有助于平滑收入和消费。可能需要政策支持来解决一些小农面临的油棕采用限制。此外,促进非农经济和改善家庭获得利润丰厚的非农工作的机会对于公平的农村发展也很重要。这有助于平滑收入和消费。可能需要政策支持来解决一些小农面临的油棕采用限制。此外,促进非农经济和改善家庭获得利润丰厚的非农工作的机会对于公平的农村发展也很重要。