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Sensory gating in tobacco-naïve cannabis users is unaffected by acute nicotine administration
Psychopharmacology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-05-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s00213-021-05843-6
Ashley M Francis 1 , Andrea Parks 2 , Joëlle Choueiry 3, 4 , Nicole El-Marj 5 , Danielle Impey 4, 5 , Verner J Knott 2, 3, 4, 5 , Derek J Fisher 1, 5, 6


Long-term cannabis use has been associated with the appearance of psychotic symptoms and schizophrenia-like cognitive impairments; however these studies may be confounded by concomitant use of tobacco by cannabis users. We aimed to determine if previously observed cannabis-associated deficits in sensory gating would be seen in cannabis users with no history of tobacco use, as evidenced by changes in the P50, N100, and P200 event-related potentials. A secondary objective of this study was to examine the effects of acute nicotine administration on cannabis users with no tobacco use history.


Three components (P50, N100, P200) of the mid-latency auditory-evoked response (MLAER) were elicited by a paired-stimulus paradigm in 43 healthy, non-tobacco smoking male volunteers between the ages of 18–30. Cannabis users (CU, n = 20) were administered nicotine (6 mg) and placebo gum within a randomized, double-blind design. Non-cannabis users (NU, n = 23) did not receive nicotine.


Between-group sensory gating effects were only observed for the N100, with CUs exhibiting a smaller N100 to S1 of the paired stimulus paradigm, in addition to reduced dN100 (indicating poorer gating). Results revealed no significant sensory gating differences with acute administration of nicotine compared to placebo cannabis conditions.


These findings suggest a relationship between gating impairment and cannabis use; however, acute nicotine administration nicotine does not appear to impact sensory gating function.




长期使用大麻与出现精神病症状和精神分裂症样认知障碍有关;然而,这些研究可能会因大麻使用者同时使用烟草而受到混淆。我们的目的是确定以前观察到的与大麻相关的感觉门控缺陷是否会出现在没有烟草使用史的大麻使用者中,如 P50、N100 和 P200 事件相关电位的变化所证明的那样。本研究的第二个目的是检查急性尼古丁给药对没有烟草使用史的大麻使用者的影响。


中潜伏期听觉诱发反应 (MLAER) 的三个组成部分 (P50、N100、P200) 是通过配对刺激范式在 43 名年龄在 18-30 岁之间的健康、非吸烟男性志愿者中引发的。大麻使用者(CU,n = 20)在随机、双盲设计中服用尼古丁(6 毫克)和安慰剂口香糖。非大麻使用者(NU,n = 23)没有收到尼古丁。


仅在 N100 中观察到组间感觉门控效应,除了 dN100 降低(表明门控较差)外,CU 在配对刺激范式中表现出较小的 N100 到 S 1 。结果显示,与安慰剂大麻条件相比,急性施用尼古丁的感觉门控没有显着差异。


