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SIXOR: Single-Cycle In-Memristor XOR
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-22 , DOI: 10.1109/tvlsi.2021.3062293
Nima TaheriNejad

With the fast approach of the end of silicon scaling and existing problems, such as the Von-Neumann bottleneck, alternative computing paradigms are in demand. In-memory computation (IMC) is one of the most promising solutions, and memristive technology is one of the best platforms for that purpose. Many logic families have been proposed to enable memristive IMC, among which stateful logic family stands out due to its minimal power consumption and simplicity. In this work, to complement existing works, we propose the first stateful crossbar-compatible XOR atomic logic operation that requires only one cycle for its completion, which is two times faster than the current minimum required time for performing XOR (which is two cycles) using other atomic operations in comparable memristive stateful logic families. We show that, in an example case of an adder, by taking advantage of the proposed single-cycle in-memristor XOR (SIXOR), up to $4.5\times $ speedup can be achieved compared to other SoA stateful adders. The gained speed-up scales up in more complex systems and calculations that use XOR .



随着硅结垢终结的快速发展以及诸如冯·诺依曼瓶颈之类的现存问题,对替代计算范式的需求日益迫切。内存中计算(IMC)是最有前途的解决方案之一,而忆阻技术是实现此目的的最佳平台之一。已经提出了许多逻辑系列来支持忆阻性IMC,其中包括有状态的逻辑系列因其最小的功耗和简单性而脱颖而出。在这项工作中,作为对现有工作的补充,我们提出了第一个有状态交叉开关兼容异或 原子逻辑操作仅需要一个周期即可完成,比当前的最小执行时间快两倍 异或(这是两个周期),使用类似的忆阻状态逻辑系列中的其他原子操作。我们证明,在加法器的示例情况下,通过利用建议的单周期忆阻器XOR(SIXOR),可以达到 $ 4.5 \次$ 与其他SoA有状态加法器相比,可以实现加速。所获得的加速比可在更复杂的系统和使用以下计算的系统中扩展异或