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Analysis of the Urban Energy Balance in Bahía Blanca (Argentina)
Urban Climate ( IF 6.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.uclim.2021.100856
María Eugenia Fernández , Natasha Picone , Jorge Osvaldo Gentili , Alicia María Campo

The objective of this study is to define the effect of Bahía Blanca (Argentina) urban form and function on heat fluxes integrated in its energy balance at a local scale. The most frequent Local Climate Zones (LCZs) were identified in Bahía Blanca. Most of the LCZs are built types, corresponding to LCZ 1 and 2 in the microcenter, LCZ 3 in the macrocenter, and LCZ 6 and 9 in the city peri-urban area. The spatial distribution of Urban Energy Balance (UEB) was analyzed by calculating indices: the sensible heat index (χ), the evaporation index (γ), the storage index (Λ) and Bowen ratio (β). In the city central sectors there is a preponderance of sensible heat fluxes warming the atmosphere closest to the surface. Bahía Blanca estuary has the highest latent heat flux magnitudes, followed by coastal areas and islands associated. Peri-urban land surfaces and suburbs have greater magnitudes of latent heat flux since they are composed of a high percentage of permeable surfaces. A marked variability is observed in the daytime and nighttime QF anthropogenic heat fluxes, with maximums during the day. During the night, QF values decrease in magnitude throughout the urban area.



这项研究的目的是确定巴伊亚·布兰卡(阿根廷)城市形态和功能对热通量的影响,这些热通量在局部范围内综合了其能量平衡。巴伊亚布兰卡(BahíaBlanca)发现了最频繁的局部气候区(LCZ)。大多数LCZ是已建成的类型,分别对应于微中心的LCZ 1和2,大中心的LCZ 3和城市周边地区的LCZ 6和9。通过计算以下指标来分析城市能源平衡(UEB)的空间分布:显热指数(χ),蒸发指数(γ),存储指数(Λ)和鲍文比(β)。在城市中心地区,大量的显热通量使最接近地面的大气变暖。巴伊亚布兰卡河河口的潜热通量最高,其次是沿海地区和与之相关的岛屿。城郊土地表面和郊区的潜热通量更大,因为它们由高百分比的可渗透表面组成。在白天和晚上观察到明显的可变性Q F人为热通量,白天最大。在夜间,Q F值在整个市区范围内减小。
