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Theoretical analysis of image forces during the interaction between a dislocation and semi-infinite crack in bi-material
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-30 , DOI: 10.1016/j.tafmec.2021.103005
Hamli Benzahar Hamid

The main objective of this study is to determine the image forces during the interaction between the dislocation and a semi-infinite crack in a bi-material. Our problem is formulated by using two materials bonded together with an adhesive cracked at the end and loaded by an uniformly distributed load according to the first mode of fracture (Mode I). The analysis of the image forces is mainly based on the stress field generated during the cracking of the material. The study is started by taking into account a dislocation of circular form. The second step is devoted to studying the interaction between an arbitrary dislocation and a semi-infinite crack. The numerical study is treated by FEM considering a model of a flat element having a macro-crack and a dislocation, subjected to a tensile load according to the mode I. The results show that the image forces are only generated by the presence of the dislocation and are symmetrically amplified and reduced according to the position of this dislocation with respect to the semi-infinite crack. So, the orientation of the arbitrary dislocation around the semi-infinite crack generates symmetrically a positive and a negative image forces which accelerate or delay the propagation of the semi-infinite crack. Theoretical results will be compared with those found numerically.



