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Correction to: Generalized Ponce’s inequality
Journal of Inequalities and Applications ( IF 1.6 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-28 , DOI: 10.1186/s13660-021-02609-8
Julio Muñoz

We assume that \(\Omega \subset \mathbb{R}^{N}\) is an open bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary; \(( k_{\delta } ) _{\delta >0}\) is a set of radial positive functions such that \(\operatorname*{supp}k_{\delta }\subset B ( 0,\delta ) \), \(\frac{1}{C_{N}}\int _{B ( 0,\delta ) }k_{\delta } ( \vert s \vert )\,ds=1\), where \(C_{N}=\frac{1}{\operatorname*{meas} ( S^{N-1} ) }\int _{S^{N-1}} \vert \sigma \cdot \mathbf{e} \vert ^{p}\,d\mathcal{H}^{N-1} ( \sigma ) \), \(\mathcal{H}^{N-1}\) is the \(( N-1 ) \)-dimensional Hausdorff measure on the unit sphere \(S^{N-1}\), e is any unit vector in \(\mathbb{R}^{N}\), \(p>1\), and \(B(x,\delta )\) is the the ball with center x and radius δ.

In [2], under the assumptions above, the following compactness is recalled (see [2] and references therein):

Theorem 1

Assume Ω is an open bounded domain with Lipschitz boundary. Let \(( u_{\delta } ) _{\delta }\) be a sequence uniformly bounded in \(L^{p} ( \Omega )\), and let C be a positive constant such that

$$ \int _{\Omega } \int _{\Omega } \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert u_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) -u_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\leq C $$(1.1)

for any δ. Then, from \(( u_{\delta } ) _{\delta }\) we can extract a subsequence, still denoted by \(( u_{\delta } ) _{\delta }\), and we can find \(u\in W^{1,p} ( \Omega ) \) such that \(u_{\delta }\rightarrow u\) strongly in \(L^{p} ( \Omega ) \) as \(\delta \rightarrow 0\) and

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \int _{\Omega } \int _{\Omega } \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert u_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) -u_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\geq \int _{\Omega } \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx. $$(1.2)

Even though several authors are involved in the proof, we refer to estimate (1.2) as Ponce’s inequality.

The goal of [2] is to prove the following extension of (1.2):

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \int _{\Omega } \int _{\Omega }H \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr) \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert u_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) -u_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime } \,dx\geq \int _{\Omega }h ( x ) \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx, $$(1.3)

where Ω is an open bounded set with Lipschitz boundary, \(H ( x^{\prime },x ) = \frac{h ( x^{\prime })+h(x ) }{2}\), and h is a nonnegative function from \(L^{\infty } ( \Omega ) \).

Alternatively, the goal is to check the inequality (1.2) for measurable sets, that is,

$$\begin{aligned}& \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \int _{E} \int _{E} \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert u_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) -u_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime }\,dx \\& \quad \geq \int _{E} \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx,\quad \text{for any measurable }E\subset \Omega . \end{aligned}$$ (1.4)

It must be remarked that both inequalities are true but some basis for the proofs is false. Concretely, Proposition 1 from [2, p. 3] is wrong and, consequently, those parts where it is used have to be modified. Let us go through the steps and distinguish which parts are faulty.

Proposition 2 from [2, p. 4] is true and its proof is correct. The analysis application derived that proposition establishes

$$ \liminf_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \int _{O} \int _{O}H \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert u_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) -u_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{ \prime } \,dx\geq \int _{O}h ( x ) \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx $$(2.1)

for any symmetric nonnegative continuous function \(F\in L^{\infty } ( O\times O ) \) and any smooth open set O such that \(\vert \partial O \vert =0\). However, the proof extending (1.3) to the case where H is a measurable function of \(L^{\infty } ( \Omega ) \) is invalid because it relies on Proposition 1.

The extension to the case of measurable functions is possible because Proposition 2 from [2, p. 4] is also true for the case \(p=\infty \) and \(q=1\). Let us check it. By looking back at the original work where the idea of the proof comes from, we can check that this result is valid for all \(f\in L^{p}\) and \(\xi \in L^{q} ( \Omega ) \), with \(\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}=1\), even for the case \(p=\infty \) and \(q=1\) (see [3, p. 126]). Namely, in [3, p. 130], given \(f\in L^{p}\), we can select a family of disjoint sets \(\{ a_{kj}+\epsilon _{kj}\overline{\Omega } \} _{j}\) covering Ω such that

$$ \int _{\Omega }f ( x ) \psi ( x )\,dx\leq \sum _{i}f ( a_{ki} ) \int _{a_{ki}+\epsilon _{ki}\Omega }\psi ( x )\,dx-\frac{1}{k} \vert \Omega \vert ^{1/p} \Vert \psi \Vert _{L^{q} ( \Omega ) }$$

for any \(\psi \in L^{q}\).

Now, for simplicity, we assume \(f\in L^{\infty }\) and ξ \(L^{1}\) are nonnegative functions. Since \(\xi ^{1/q}\in L^{q}\) for any q, and \(f\in L^{p}\) for any p, the above inequality for \(\psi =\xi ^{1/q}\) reads as

$$ \int _{\Omega }f ( x ) \xi ^{1/q} ( x )\,dx\leq \sum _{i}f ( a_{ki} ) \int _{a_{ki}+\epsilon _{ki}\Omega } \xi ^{1/q} ( x )\,dx- \frac{1}{k} \vert \Omega \vert ^{1/p} \Vert \xi \Vert _{L^{1} ( \Omega ) }^{1/q}. $$

If we pass to the limit as \(p\uparrow \infty \), then \(q=\frac{p}{p-1}\downarrow 1\) and \(\xi ^{1/q} ( x ) \rightarrow \xi ( x ) \), and, consequently, by monotone and dominated convergence for series and integrals, we infer

$$ \int _{\Omega }f ( x ) \xi ( x )\,dx\leq \sum _{i}f ( a_{ki} ) \int _{a_{ki}+\epsilon _{ki}\Omega }\xi ( x )\,dx-\frac{1}{k} \Vert \xi \Vert _{L^{1} ( \Omega ) }. $$

Using this inequality and following the previous procedure, then we can conclude that (2.1) remains valid for any symmetric and nonnegative function \(F\in L^{\infty } ( O\times O ) \) and any smooth domain \(O\subset \Omega \) such that \(\vert \partial O \vert =0\).

Finally, in order to circumvent the assumption \(\vert \partial \Omega \vert =0\), we simplify as follows: for the given domain Ω, we consider Ω̃, a regular domain containing Ω whose boundary is a null set, and we extend H by zero in \(( \widetilde{\Omega }\times \widetilde{\Omega } ) \setminus ( \Omega \times \Omega ) \). We denote this extended function of H by \(H_{0}\), which is measurable, symmetric, and nonnegative. In the same way, we also appropriately extend \(u_{\delta }\) to Ω̃, so that (1.1) still holds. To do that, we first note that Ω is smooth and, therefore, we can extend u to \(\widetilde{u}\in W^{1,p} ( \widetilde{\Omega } ) \). Then, we define \(\widetilde{u}_{\delta } ( x ) =u ( x ) \) if x \(\widetilde{\Omega }\setminus \Omega \) and \(\widetilde{u}_{\delta } ( x ) =u_{\delta } ( x ) \) if \(x\in \Omega \). It is immediate to check that \(( \widetilde{u}_{\delta } ) _{\delta }\) is uniformly bounded in \(L^{p}\) and

$$ \int _{\widetilde{\Omega }} \int _{\widetilde{\Omega }}H_{0} \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr) \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert \widetilde{u}_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) - \widetilde{u}_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime }\,dx \leq C. $$

Then, by Theorem 1, we obtain

$$ \liminf_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \int _{\widetilde{\Omega }} \int _{ \widetilde{\Omega }}H_{0} \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \frac{k_{\delta } ( \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ) }{ \vert x^{\prime }-x \vert ^{p}} \bigl\vert \widetilde{u}_{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime } \bigr) - \widetilde{u}_{\delta } ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx^{\prime }\,dx \geq \int _{\widetilde{\Omega }}H_{0} ( x,x ) \bigl\vert \nabla \widetilde{u} ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx. $$

Now we realize that the above inequality coincides with (2.1) for any open and bounded set Ω.

The analysis performed proving a corollary in Sect. 2.3 in [2, p. 7] is correct and therefore serves to establish that (1.4) is valid for all measurable sets \(G\subset \Omega \).

This part of the paper deserves a stark modification because the proof given in [2] is based entirely on Proposition 1.

We first prove (1.4) and then (1.3). We assume Ω is open and \(\vert \partial \Omega \vert =0\). By hypothesis, \(( \xi _{\delta } ) _{\delta }\) is a sequence uniformly bounded in \(L^{1} ( \Omega \times \Omega )\) and, under these circumstances, we can use Chacon’s biting lemma (see [1]) to ensure the existence of a subsequence of \(\delta ^{\prime }s\), not relabeled, a decreasing sequence of measurable sets \(\mathcal{E}_{n}\subset \Omega \times \Omega \), such that \(\vert \mathcal{E}_{n} \vert \downarrow 0\), and a function \(\xi \in L^{1} ( \Omega \times \Omega ) \) such that \(\xi _{\delta }\rightharpoonup \xi \) weakly in \(L^{1} ( \Omega \times \Omega \setminus \mathcal{E}_{n} ) \) for all n. Since we are dealing with a sequence of symmetric functions, we can ensure \(( \Omega \times \Omega ) \setminus \mathcal{E}_{n}= ( \Omega \setminus E_{n} ) \times ( \Omega \setminus E_{n} ) \) where the sequence of sets \(E_{n}\subset \Omega \) is decreasing and \(\vert E_{n} \vert \downarrow 0\) if \(n\rightarrow \infty \).

Let \(O_{n}\) be any open set such that \(E_{n}\subset O_{n}\subset \Omega \), \(\vert \partial O_{n} \vert =0\), \(\vert \overline{O}_{n} \vert \downarrow 0\) if \(n\rightarrow \infty \), and \(\overline{O}_{n}\subset \Omega \) except for a null subset of \(\overline{O}_{n}\). To achieve these properties, we solely need to take \(\overline{O}_{n}\) as the infimum of the unions of open balls containing \(E_{n}\).

We apply Chacon’s biting lemma to guarantee

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{A\times A}\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{\prime }\,dx= \iint _{A\times A}\xi \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr) \,dx^{\prime }\,dx $$(3.1)

for any measurable \(A\times A\subset ( \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) \times ( \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) \). Also, inequality (1.4) for open sets provides

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{A\times A}\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\geq \int _{A} \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx, $$(3.2)

for any measurable set \(A\subset \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\) (here we are considering the subsequence of \(\delta ^{\prime }s\) for which (1.4) holds).

Now, we first consider \(A=B ( x_{0},r ) \subset \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\) for any \(x_{0}\in \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\). Then, on the one hand, by (3.2)we have

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{B ( x_{0},r ) \times B ( x_{0},r ) }\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{ \prime }\,dx= \iint _{B ( x_{0},r ) \times B ( x_{0},r ) } \xi \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \,dx^{\prime }\,dx. $$(3.3)

On the other hand, since \(B ( x_{0},r ) \times B ( x_{0},r ) \) is a smooth domain, (1.4) can be applied and hence

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{B ( x_{0},r ) \times B ( x_{0},r ) }\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{ \prime }\,dx\geq \int _{B ( x_{0},r ) } \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx. $$(3.4)

By using (3.3) and (3.4), we arrive at this crucial inequality for any \(B ( x_{0},r ) \subset \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\):

$$ \iint _{B ( x_{0},r ) \times B ( x_{0},r ) } \xi \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \,dx^{\prime }\,dx\geq \int _{B ( x_{0},r ) } \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx\,dx^{ \prime }. $$(3.5)

Thus, (3.2) holds for any measurable set \(A\subset \Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\).

Finally, we analyze \(\lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0}\iint _{G\times G}\xi _{\delta } ( x^{ \prime },x )\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\), where \(G\subset \Omega \) is any measurable set. We note that

$$ \iint _{G\times G}\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{ \prime }\,dx\geq \iint _{ ( G\setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) \times ( G\setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) }\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{\prime }\,dx $$

which, thanks to Chacon’s biting lemma, provides the estimate

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{G\times G}\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\geq \iint _{ ( G\setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) \times ( G\setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) }\xi \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \,dx^{\prime }\,dx. $$

Since \(G\setminus \overline{O}_{n}\) is a measurable set included in \(\Omega \setminus \overline{O}_{n}\), (3.2) for measurable sets provides the estimate

$$ \iint _{ ( G\setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) \times ( G \setminus \overline{O}_{n} ) }\xi \bigl( x^{\prime },x \bigr) \,dx^{ \prime }\,dx\geq \int _{G\setminus \overline{O}_{n}} \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx, $$

which straightforwardly implies

$$ \lim_{\delta \rightarrow 0} \iint _{G\times G}\xi _{\delta } \bigl( x^{ \prime },x \bigr)\,dx^{\prime }\,dx\geq \int _{G\setminus \overline{O}_{n}} \bigl\vert \nabla u ( x ) \bigr\vert ^{p}\,dx. $$

By letting \(n\rightarrow \infty \), we finish the proof of (1.4).

To avoid the hypothesis \(\vert \partial \Omega \vert =0\), we proceed as in the previous section.

The analysis performed when proving a corollary in Sect. 3.1 from [2, p. 8] is correct and therefore serves to assert that (1.3) is valid for all measurable functions h.

All the changes requested are implemented in this correction.

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    Brooks, J.K., Chacon, R.V.: Continuity and compactness of measures. Adv. Math. 37, 16–26 (1980)

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  2. 2.

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The author would like to acknowledge most warmly Anton Egrafov’s comments.


  1. Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain

    Julio Muñoz

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Muñoz, J. Correction to: Generalized Ponce’s inequality. J Inequal Appl 2021, 80 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-021-02609-8

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  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-021-02609-8



我们假设\(\ Omega \ subset \ mathbb {R} ^ {N} \)是一个具有Lipschitz边界的开放域;\((k _ {\ delta})_ {\ delta> 0} \)是一组径向正函数,例如\(\ operatorname * {supp} k _ {\ delta} \ subset B(0,\ delta)\ )\(\ frac {1} {C_ {N}} \ int _ {B(0,\ delta)} k _ {\ delta}(\ vert s \ vert)\,ds = 1 \),其中\( C_ {N} = \ frac {1} {\ operatorname * {meas}(S ^ {N-1})} \ int _ {S ^ {N-1}} \ vert \ sigma \ cdot \ mathbf {e} \ vert ^ {p} \,d \ mathcal {H} ^ {N-1}(\ sigma)\)\(\ mathcal {H} ^ {N-1} \)\((N-1 )\)-单位球面上\(S ^ {N-1} \)的尺寸Hausdorff测度,e\(\ mathbb {R} ^ {N} \)\(p> 1 \)\(B(x,\ delta)\)是中心为x且半径为δ的球。



假设Ω是一个具有Lipschitz边界的开界域 \((u _ {\ delta})_ {\ delta} \) 是在 \(L ^ {p}(\ Omega)\)中均匀有界的序列 C 为一个正常数,使得

$$ \ int _ {\ Omega} \ int _ {\ Omega} \ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert)} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert u _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-u _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ { \ prime} \,dx \ leq C $$(1.1)

对于任何 δ然后 \((u _ {\ delta})_ {\ delta} \) 中提取一个子序列仍然用 \((u _ {\ delta})_ {\ delta} \)表示我们可以找到 \ (u \ in W ^ {1,p}(\ Omega)\) 使得 \(u _ {\ delta} \ rightarrow u \) \(L ^ {p}(\ Omega)\)中 强烈地 \(\ delta \ rightarrow 0 \)

$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ int _ {\ Omega} \ int _ {\ Omega} \ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert)} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert u _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-u _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ int _ {\ Omega} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx。$$(1.2)



$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ int _ {\ Omega} \ int _ {\ Omega} H \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert}} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert u _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-u _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ int _ {\ Omega} h(x)\ bigl \ vert \ nabla u (x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx,$$(1.3)

其中Ω是具有Lipschitz边界的开放边界集\(H(x ^ {\ prime},x)= \ frac {h(x ^ {\ prime})+ h(x)} {2} \),并且h\(L ^ {\ infty}(\ Omega)\)中的非负函数。


$$ \ begin {aligned}&\ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ int _ {E} \ int _ {E} \ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert )} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert u _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-u _ {\ delta}(x) \ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \\&\ quad \ geq \ int _ {E} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx,\ quad \ text {用于任何可测量的} E \ subset \ Omega。\ end {aligned} $$(1.4)



$$ \ liminf _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ int _ {O} \ int _ {O} H \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert)} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert u _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr) -u _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ int _ {O} h(x)\ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x) \ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx $$(2.1)

对于任何对称的非负连续函数\(F \ in L ^ {\ infty}(O \ times O)\)和任何平滑开集O使得\(\ vert \ partial O \ vert = 0 \)。但是,将(1.3)扩展到H\(L ^ {\ infty}(\ Omega)\)的可测量函数的情况是无效的,因为它依赖于命题1。

由于[2,p。1中的命题2]可以扩展到可测量函数的情况。4]对于\(p = \ infty \)\(q = 1 \)的情况也是如此。让我们检查一下。通过回顾证明思想起源的原始工作,我们可以检查该结果对于所有\(f \ in L ^ {p} \)\(\ xi \ in L ^ {q} (\ Omega)\)\(\ frac {1} {p} + \ frac {1} {q} = 1 \),即使对于\(p = \ infty \)\(q = 1 \)(请参阅[3,第126页])。即,在[3,p。130],在给定\(f \ in L ^ {p} \)的情况下,我们可以选择不相交集族\(\ {a_ {kj} + \ epsilon _ {kj} \ overline {\ Omega} \} _ { j} \)覆盖Ω,使得

$$ \ int _ {\ Omega} f(x)\ psi(x)\,dx \ leq \ sum _ {i} f(a_ {ki})\ int _ {a_ {ki} + \ epsilon _ {ki } \ Omega} \ psi(x)\,dx- \ frac {1} {k} \ vert \ Omega \ vert ^ {1 / p} \ Vert \ psi \ Vert _ {L ^ {q}(\ Omega) } $$

对于任何\(\ psi \ in L ^ {q} \)

现在,为了简单起见,我们假设\(F \在L ^ {\ infty} \)ξ ∈ \(L ^ {1} \)是非负函数。由于\(在L ^ {Q} \ XI ^ {1 / Q} \ \)对于任何q,和\(F \在L ^ {P} \)对于任何p,对于上面的不等式\(\ PSI = \ xi ^ {1 / q} \)读为

$$ \ int _ {\ Omega} f(x)\ xi ^ {1 / q}(x)\,dx \ leq \ sum _ {i} f(a_ {ki})\ int _ {a_ {ki} + \ epsilon _ {ki} \ Omega} \ xi ^ {1 / q}(x)\,dx- \ frac {1} {k} \ vert \ Omega \ vert ^ {1 / p} \ Vert \ xi \垂直_ {L ^ {1}(\ Omega)} ^ {1 / q}。$$

如果我们将极限传递为\(p \ uparrow \ infty \),则\(q = \ frac {p} {p-1} \ downarrow 1 \)\(\ xi ^ {1 / q}(x )\ rightarrow \ xi(x)\),因此,通过级数和积分的单调和占优收敛,我们可以得出

$$ \ int _ {\ Omega} f(x)\ xi(x)\,dx \ leq \ sum _ {i} f(a_ {ki})\ int _ {a_ {ki} + \ epsilon _ {ki } \ Omega} \ xi(x)\,dx- \ frac {1} {k} \ Vert \ xi \ Vert _ {L ^ {1}(\ Omega)}。$$

使用该不等式并遵循前面的过程,我们可以得出结论:(2.1)对于任何对称和非负函数\(F \ in L ^ {\ infty}(O \ times O)\)和任何平滑域\( O \ subset \ Omega \)使得\(\ vert \ partial O \ vert = 0 \)

最后,为了规避假设\(\ vert \ partial \ Omega \ vert = 0 \),我们简化如下:对于给定的域Ω,我们考虑Ω̃,这是一个包含Ω的常规域,其边界是空集,然后在\((\ widetilde {\ Omega} \ times \ widetilde {\ Omega}} \ setminus(\ Omega \ times \ Omega} \中将H扩展为零。我们用\(H_ {0} \)表示H的扩展函数,它是可测量的,对称的和非负的。同样,我们也将\(u _ {\ delta} \)适当地扩展到Ω̃,以便(1.1)仍然成立。为此,我们首先注意到Ω是平滑的,因此,我们可以将u扩展为\(\ widetilde {u} \ in W ^ {1,p}(\ widetilde {\ Omega})\)。然后,我们定义\(\ widetilde【U} _ {\增量}(X)= U(x)的\)如果X \(\ widetilde {\欧米茄} \ setminus \欧米茄\)\(\ widetilde【U } _ {\ delta}(x)= u _ {\ delta}(x)\)如果\(x \ in \ Omega \)。立即检查\((\ widetilde {u} _ {\ delta})_ {\ delta} \)是否均匀地限制在\(L ^ {p} \)

$$ \ int _ {\ widetilde {\ Omega}} \ int _ {\ widetilde {\ Omega}} H_ {0} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\ frac {k _ {\ delta} (\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert)} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert \ widetilde {u} _ {\\ delta} \ bigl( x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-\ widetilde {u} _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ leq C. $$


$$ \ liminf _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ int _ {\ widetilde {\ Omega}} \ int _ {\ widetilde {\ Omega}} H_ {0} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr )\ frac {k _ {\ delta}(\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert)} {\ vert x ^ {\ prime} -x \ vert ^ {p}} \ bigl \ vert \ widetilde {u } _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} \ bigr)-\ widetilde {u} _ {\ delta}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx ^ {\ prime} \, dx \ geq \ int _ {\ widetilde {\ Omega}} H_ {0}(x,x)\ bigl \ vert \ nabla \ widetilde {u}(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx。$$


该分析证明了Sect中的必然结果。2.3 in [2,p。7]是正确的,因此可以证明(1.4)对所有可测集合\(G \ subset \ Omega \)有效


我们首先证明(1.4),然后证明(1.3)。我们假设Ω是开路的并且\(\ vert \ partial \ Omega \ vert = 0 \)。根据假设,\((\ xi _ {\ delta} _ {\ delta} \)是一个均匀地以\(L ^ {1}(\ Omega \ times \ Omega)\)为边界的序列,在这种情况下,我们可以使用Chacon的咬住引理(请参见[1])来确保存在\(\ delta ^ {\ prime} s \)的子序列(未重新标记,并减少了可测集\(\ mathcal {E} _ {n} \ subset \ Omega \ times \ Omega \),例如\(\ vert \ mathcal {E} _ {n} \ vert \ downarrow 0 \)和一个函数\(\ xi \ in L ^ {1 }(\ Omega \ times \ Omega)\)使得\(\ xi _ {\ delta} \ rightharpoonup \ xi \)\(L ^ {1}(\ Omega \ times \ Omega \ setminus \ mathcal {E} _ {n})\)对于所有n。由于我们要处理一系列对称函数,因此我们可以确保\((\ Omega \ times \ Omega)\ setminus \ mathcal {E} _ {n} =(\ Omega \ setminus E_ {n})\ times(\ Omega \ setminus E_ {n})\)其中集\(E_ {n} \ subset \ Omega \)的序列递减,而\(\ vert E_ {n} \ vert \ downarrow 0 \)如果\(n \ rightarrow \ infty \)

\(O_ {n} \)为任何开放集,使得\(E_ {n} \ subset O_ {n} \ subset \ Omega \)\(\ vert \ partial O_ {n} \ vert = 0 \)\(\ vert \ overline {O} _ {n} \ vert \ downarrow 0 \)如果\(n \ rightarrow \ infty \)\(\ overline {O} _ {n} \ subset \ Omega \)\(\ overline {O} _ {n} \)的空子集除外。要获得这些属性,我们只需要将\(\ overline {O} _ {n} \)作为包含\(E_ {n} \)的开球并集的最小值即可。


$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {A \ times A} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \ ,dx = \ iint _ {A \ times A} \ xi \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx $$(3.1)

对于任何可测量的\(A \ times A \ subset(\ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})\ times(\ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})\)。另外,开放集的不等式(1.4)提供了

$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {A \ times A} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \ ,dx \ geq \ int _ {A} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx,$$(3.2)

对于任何(1.4)成立的可测量集合\(A \ subset \ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)(这里我们考虑的是\(\ delta ^ {\ prime} s \)的子序列)。

现在,我们首先考虑\ Omega \ setminus \中的任何\(x_ {0} \\\ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)\(A = B(x_ {0},r)\ subset \ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \上划线{O} _ {n} \)。然后,一方面,通过(3.2)

$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {B(x_ {0},r)\ times B(x_ {0},r)} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\素数},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx = \ iint _ {B(x_ {0},r)\倍B(x_ {0},r)} \ xi \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx。$$(3.3)

另一方面,由于\(B(x_ {0},r)\ times B(x_ {0},r)\)是一个平滑域,因此可以应用(1.4)

$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {B(x_ {0},r)\ times B(x_ {0},r)} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\质数},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ int _ {B(x_ {0},r)}} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ { p} \,dx。$$(3.4)

通过使用(3.3)和(3.4),我们得出任何\(B(x_ {0},r)\ subset \ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)的关键不等式:

$$ \ iint _ {B(x_ {0},r)\ times B(x_ {0},r)}} \ xi \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime } \,dx \ geq \ int _ {B(x_ {0},r)} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx \,dx ^ {\ prime}。$$(3.5)

因此,(3.2)对于任何可测量的集合\(A \ subset \ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)成立

最后,我们分析\(\ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {G \ times G} \ xi _ {\ delta}(x ^ {\ prime},x)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \ ,dx \),其中\(G \ subset \ Omega \)是任何可测量的集合。我们注意到

$$ \ iint _ {G \ times G} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ iint _ { G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})\ times(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr )\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx $$


$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {G \ times G} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \ ,dx \ geq \ iint _ {(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})\ times(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})} \ xi \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime} ,x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx。$$

由于\(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)是包含在\(\ Omega \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n} \)中的可测量集合,因此,针对可测量集合的(3.2)提供了估计

$$ \ iint _ {(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})\ times(G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n})} \ xi \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \,dx \ geq \ int _ {G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n}} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p } \,dx,$$


$$ \ lim _ {\ delta \ rightarrow 0} \ iint _ {G \ times G} \ xi _ {\ delta} \ bigl(x ^ {\ prime},x \ bigr)\,dx ^ {\ prime} \ ,dx \ geq \ int _ {G \ setminus \ overline {O} _ {n}} \ bigl \ vert \ nabla u(x)\ bigr \ vert ^ {p} \,dx。$$

通过让\ {n \ rightarrow \ infty \),我们完成了(1.4)的证明。

为了避免假设\(\ vert \ partial \ Omega \ vert = 0 \),我们按照上一节中的步骤进行操作。



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    Brooks,JK,Chacon,RV:措施的连续性和紧凑性。进阶 数学。37,16-26(1980)


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    Muñoz,J .:广义Ponce不等式。J.不等。应用 2021、11(2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-020-02543-1


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    Pedregal,P .:参数化度量和变分原理。Birkhäuser,巴塞尔(1997)

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作者要最热烈地感谢安东·埃格拉夫(Anton Egrafov)的评论。


  1. 卡斯蒂利亚-拉曼恰大学,西班牙托莱多


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Muñoz,J.对以下内容的更正:广义Ponce不等式。Ĵ互不相申请 2021, 80(2021)。https://doi.org/10.1186/s13660-021-02609-8


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  • DOI https //doi.org/10.1186/s13660-021-02609-8
