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tsrobprep -- an R package for robust preprocessing of time series data
arXiv - CS - Mathematical Software Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: arxiv-2104.12657
Michał Narajewski, Jens Kley-Holsteg, Florian Ziel

Data cleaning is a crucial part of every data analysis exercise. Yet, the currently available R packages do not provide fast and robust methods for cleaning and preparation of time series data. The open source package tsrobprep introduces efficient methods for handling missing values and outliers using model based approaches. For data imputation a probabilistic replacement model is proposed, which may consist of autoregressive components and external inputs. For outlier detection a clustering algorithm based on finite mixture modelling is introduced, which considers typical time series related properties as features. By assigning to each observation a probability of being an outlying data point, the degree of outlyingness can be determined. The methods work robust and are fully tunable. Moreover, by providing the auto_data_cleaning function the data preprocessing can be carried out in one cast, without manual tuning and providing suitable results. The primary motivation of the package is the preprocessing of energy system data, however, the package is also suited for other moderate and large sized time series data set. We present application for electricity load, wind and solar power data.


