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Sustained Effect of a Brief Video in Reducing Public Stigma Toward Individuals With Psychosis: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Young Adults
American Journal of Psychiatry ( IF 17.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1176/appi.ajp.2020.20091293
Doron Amsalem 1 , John C Markowitz 1 , Samantha E Jankowski 1 , Lawrence H Yang 1 , Linda Valeri 1 , Sarah A Lieff 1 , Yuval Neria 1 , Lisa B Dixon 1


Public stigma is a barrier to care and increases the duration of untreated psychosis among individuals with first-episode psychosis. The authors recently demonstrated the efficacy of a 90-second social contact–based video intervention in reducing such stigma. That proof-of-concept study was the first to employ so brief an antistigma intervention in a sample of young adults. The authors now present a randomized controlled replication study with baseline, postintervention, and 30-day follow-up assessments. The authors aimed to replicate their previous findings and to show a persisting benefit for the video intervention.


Using a crowdsourcing platform (Amazon Mechanical Turk), the authors recruited and assigned 1,055 participants ages 18–30 years to a brief video-based intervention, to a written vignette intervention containing the same material, or to a nonintervention control condition. In the 90-second video, a 22-year-old African American woman with schizophrenia humanized the illness through her emotional description of living a meaningful and productive life.


A three-by-three group-by-time multivariate analysis of variance showed a significant group-by-time interaction for the total scores of all five stigma-related domains: social distance, stereotyping, separateness, social restriction, and perceived recovery. Post hoc pairwise tests showed greater reductions in the video group compared with the vignette and control groups at the postintervention and 30-day follow-up assessments, while the vignette group differed from the control group at the postintervention assessment but not at the 30-day assessment.


This randomized controlled study replicated and strengthened the authors’ earlier findings, further showing month-long sustained stigma reduction in the social contact–based video intervention arm. A 90-second video sufficed to humanize schizophrenia and reduce stigma. Further research should examine longer-term sustainability, assess changes in behavior, and determine optimal effective video length.




公众污名是护理的障碍,并会增加首发精神病患者未经治疗的精神病持续时间。作者最近证明了基于 90 秒社交接触的视频干预在减少这种耻辱感方面的功效。该概念验证研究是第一个对年轻人样本进行如此简短的反污名化干预的研究。作者现在提出了一项随机对照复制研究,包​​括基线、干预后和 30 天的随访评估。作者旨在复制他们之前的发现,并展示视频干预的持续益处。


作者使用众包平台(Amazon Mechanical Turk)招募并分配了 1,055 名 18-30 岁的参与者进行基于视频的简短干预、包含相同材料的书面小插曲干预或非干预控制条件。在这段 90 秒的视频中,一名患有精神分裂症的 22 岁非裔美国女性通过她对过上有意义和富有成效的生活的情感描述,将这种疾病人性化。


一个三乘三的逐时间多变量方差分析显示,所有五个与污名相关的领域的总分存在显着的逐时间交互作用:社交距离、刻板印象、分离、社交限制和感知恢复。事后成对测试显示,在干预后和 30 天的后续评估中,视频组与小插图组和对照组相比减少更多,而小插图组在干预后评估时与对照组不同,但在 30 天时没有评估。


这项随机对照研究复制并加强了作者早期的发现,进一步显示了基于社交接触的视频干预部门长达一个月的持续耻辱感减少。一段 90 秒的视频足以使精神分裂症人性化并减少耻辱感。进一步的研究应该检查更长期的可持续性,评估行为的变化,并确定最佳的有效视频长度。
