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Culturally Responsive Practices: Insights from a High-Quality Math Afterschool Program Serving Underprivileged Latinx Youth
American Journal of Community Psychology ( IF 4.019 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1002/ajcp.12518
Mark Vincent B Yu 1 , Yangyang Liu 1 , Stephanie Soto-Lara 1 , Kayla Puente 1 , Perla Carranza 1 , Alessandra Pantano 1 , Sandra D Simpkins 1

High-quality afterschool programs (ASPs) are opportunities to diversify the ways that Latinx youth from economically underprivileged communities experience STEM learning. Utilizing qualitative methods, based on the experiences and perspectives of low-income Latinx middle school participants of a math enrichment ASP in Southern California, we identified four culturally responsive practices: (1) the promotion of an inclusive, safe, and respectful program climate, (2) engaging in personal conversations, (3) facilitating opportunities for mutual and math learning across diverse cultures and perspectives, and (4) the promotion of math and a range of social-emotional skills across contexts. These practices helped youth feel more connected to the program, their peers, and program staff (college mentors); provided a platform for youth voice and contribution to the processes of teaching and learning; facilitated opportunities for skill development and practice across the different contexts of youth’s lives; interrelated with Latinx cultural values; and helped to promote youth’s engagement and math learning. Importantly, youth’s relationships with their mentors was a significant aspect of their experiences and perceptions of these practices. We argue that culturally responsive practices are necessary to achieve high-quality programs and provide specific implications for how ASPs can implement them in the design and implementation of their programs.



高质量的课后项目 (ASP) 是让来自经济贫困社区的拉丁裔青年体验 STEM 学习的方式多样化的机会。利用定性方法,基于南加州数学丰富 ASP 的低收入拉丁裔中学参与者的经验和观点,我们确定了四种文化响应实践:(1) 促进包容、安全和尊重的项目氛围, (2) 进行个人对话,(3) 促进跨不同文化和观点的相互学习和数学学习的机会,以及 (4) 促进数学和跨环境的一系列社交情感技能。这些做法帮助青少年感觉与项目、他们的同龄人和项目工作人员(大学导师)的联系更加紧密;为青年的声音和对教学过程的贡献提供了一个平台;在青年生活的不同背景下促进技能发展和实践的机会;与拉丁文化价值观相关;并帮助促进青年的参与和数学学习。重要的是,青年与导师的关系是他们对这些做法的经历和看法的一个重要方面。我们认为,文化响应实践对于实现高质量计划是必要的,并为 ASP 如何在其计划的设计和实施中实施它们提供了具体的影响。并帮助促进青年的参与和数学学习。重要的是,青年与导师的关系是他们对这些做法的经历和看法的一个重要方面。我们认为,文化响应实践对于实现高质量计划是必要的,并为 ASP 如何在其计划的设计和实施中实施它们提供了具体的影响。并帮助促进青年的参与和数学学习。重要的是,青年与导师的关系是他们对这些做法的经历和看法的一个重要方面。我们认为,文化响应实践对于实现高质量计划是必要的,并为 ASP 如何在其计划的设计和实施中实施它们提供了具体的影响。