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An experimental translocation of the imperiled frosted elfin ( Callophrys irus )
Journal of Insect Conservation ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10841-021-00315-w
Robert T. Meyer , Dave McElveen


Here we present the first in-situ translocation of frosted elfin (Callophrys irus) caterpillars. The frosted elfin is rare and declining over much of its range with many extant populations separated by large expanses of unsuitable habitat. The development of translocation techniques will be necessary to facilitate dispersal to aid in future conservation practices. We translocated frosted elfin caterpillars (n = 20) among three patches within the Apalachicola National Forest that contained the host plant, sundial lupine (Lupinus perennis). Patches differed in their distances to other occupied sites: two translocations spanned 0.07 km and two spanned 2.71 km. Translocated caterpillars were marked with ultraviolet-fluorescent powder to aid in tracking individuals and their movements. Translocated caterpillars continued to feed and develop during six days of monitoring post-release. Although we did not observe any direct mortality, individuals were lost at a rate of two per day (β = − 1.82 ± 0.14 SE; p < 0.01). We believe the failure to detect marked caterpillars occurred when individuals molted, moved away to pupate, or were possibly predated. Of those remaining, three were observed pupated at their translocation site indicating developmental progress was not affected by translocation. Future efforts to develop successful translocation techniques for the frosted elfin should focus more on monitoring individuals post-release to assess the impact of caterpillar movement and predation.

Implications for insect conservation

Here we outline a potential translocation method for use in recovering populations of imperiled frosted elfin butterflies. While some success was observed for translocated caterpillars, more focused monitoring post-release will verify the effectiveness of this method for future use.


实验性易位的磨砂磨砂小精灵(Callophrys irus)


在这里,我们介绍了磨砂小精灵(Callophrys irus)毛毛虫的第一个原位易位。结霜的小精灵很少见,并且在其大部分范围内都在下降,许多现存种群被大面积不合适的栖息地隔开。必须发展易位技术以促进扩散,以帮助将来的保护实践。我们将磨砂的小精灵毛虫(n = 20)转移到了包含寄主植物日d羽扇豆(Lupinus perennis)的阿巴拉契科拉国家森林中的三个斑块之间)。斑块到其他被占领地点的距离有所不同:两次易位跨度为0.07公里,两次易位跨度为2.71公里。易位的毛毛虫用紫外线荧光粉标记,以帮助追踪个体及其运动。在监测释放后的六天内,易位的毛毛虫继续觅食和发育。尽管我们没有观察到任何直接死亡率,但每天有两个人丧生(β= − 1.82±0.14 SE; p <0.01)。我们认为,当个体蜕皮,移居化p或可能早于捕食时,就不会检测到明显的毛毛虫。在其余的那些中,观察到三个在其易位部位化脓,表明发育进度不受易位的影响。为磨砂小精灵开发成功的易位技术的未来努力应更多地集中于监测释放后的个体,以评估毛虫运动和捕食的影响。


