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Resilience in children and adolescents at risk of poverty and with parents suffering from huntington’s disease
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies Pub Date : 2021-04-25 , DOI: 10.1080/17450128.2021.1921321
Claudia Idárraga-Cabrera 1 , Jorge-Manuel Dueñas 2 , Mariana Pino 3 , Marianela Denegri 4


The objective of this study was to assess resilience levels in a group of children and adolescents whose parents were afflicted with Huntington’s disease and in a control group of children and adolescents at risk of poverty. We used a sample of 63 children and adolescents (65% girls), between 7 and 18 years with an average age of 12.67 (SD = 3.07). The subjects were administered the questionnaire on resilience in children and adolescents, which consists of three factors: internal protective factor, external protective factor and empathy. The results showed that both groups had higher levels of resilience than the theoretical median. However, the control group performed better on the internal protective factor and the general resilience scale. The data suggests that resilience levels in children and adolescents do not increase when they are overexposed to adverse circumstances.




本研究的目的是评估父母患有亨廷顿病的儿童和青少年群体以及处于贫困风险的儿童和青少年对照组的适应力水平。我们使用了 63 名儿童和青少年(65% 是女孩)的样本,年龄在 7 到 18 岁之间,平均年龄为 12.67 岁(SD = 3.07)。对被试进行儿童青少年心理弹性问卷调查,问卷包括三个因素:内在保护因素、外在保护因素和共情。结果表明,两组的弹性水平都高于理论中位数。然而,对照组在内部保护因素和一般弹性量表上表现更好。
