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Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality by Uygar Abaci (review)
Journal of the History of Philosophy Pub Date : 2021-04-26
Ralf M. Bader

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Reviewed by:

  • Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality by Uygar Abaci
  • Ralf M. Bader
Uygar Abaci. Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. x + 287. Cloth, $85.00.

Uygar Abaci's Kant's Revolutionary Theory of Modality starts with a helpful and illuminating historical contextualization of Kant's theory of modality. It sets out the ontotheological debates that form the backdrop of Kant's pre-Critical modal theorizing. Abaci covers the proofs of the existence of God by Anselm and Descartes, as well as Leibniz and Wolff. The first two start from the idea of God as the ens perfectissimum and then try to establish the existence of God by arguing that existence is a perfection. The last two, by contrast, consider God to be the ens necessarium, such that God exists necessarily, provided the concept of God is not self-contradictory; they then attempt to establish the possibility of God by identifying the ens necessarium with the ens perfectissimum, which allows them to argue that this concept only contains positive predicates that cannot contradict each other. [End Page 334]

The second part of Abaci's book covers Kant's pre-Critical modal theory, both his critique of the ontological argument in terms of existence not being a real predicate and his own attempt to establish the existence of God in "The Only Possible Ground of Proof for a Demonstration of the Existence of God" of 1763 (OPA). Kant is standardly taken to depart decisively from his logicist predecessors by introducing a conception of real modality in the OPA. Once real possibility is not merely a matter of conformity to the logical law of noncontradiction and, correspondingly, real necessity is not a matter of logical necessity, room opens up for Kant's argument that, even though God's existence is not logically necessary (given that existence is not a real predicate), it is nevertheless really necessary, since God is the ground of all possibility such that God's non-existence would cancel all possibility.

Abaci argues that Leibniz and Wolff already had a conception of real modality and that Kant's pre-Critical work on modality is, accordingly, merely revisionary and belongs to the same paradigm as that of his predecessors. He correctly points out that some rationalists, most notably Leibniz, accepted material conditions on possibility in the form of an actualist principle, according to which every possibility must be grounded in something actual. These material conditions, however, have no bearing on what possibility consists in—that is, on what it is to be possible—but only on which things are possible. In other words, they concern what material there is to which the conditions of possibility can apply. A genuine account of real modality would also include nonlogical formal conditions on what it is to be possible, something that neither Leibniz nor Wolff countenances. Attributing a conception of real modality to them is thus somewhat tenuous. Abaci's claim that Kant's OPA theory is broadly continuous with that of his predecessors can nevertheless be sustained. In particular, one might think that Kant himself does not have a genuine conception of real modality in the OPA and that this is one of the crucial innovations of his Critical modal theory. Abaci provides strong arguments against the standard interpretation that Kant recognizes metaphysical incompatibilities in the OPA. He nicely illustrates how real opposition, which involves opposed grounds that cancel each other's consequences, implies a logical contradiction in the case of the ens realissimum, insofar as real opposition results in a lack or defect that is logically incompatible with having all perfections to a maximal degree, thereby illustrating that countenancing real opposition need not imply countenancing real modality.

Whereas Abaci considers the pre-Critical modal theory to be merely revisionary, he finds its Critical counterpart revolutionary (though he recognizes that the core ideas are already, at least implicitly, present in the OPA and that their systematic development naturally leads to the Critical modal theory—in fact, Abaci nicely sets out how theorizing about real modality plays an important instrumental role in prompting the Critical turn). The third part of the book comprehensively covers the core...


康德的情态革命理论,作者:乌加·阿比(Uygar Abaci)(评论)



  • 康德的情态革命理论,作者:乌加·阿比(Uygar Abaci)
  • 拉尔夫·巴德(Ralf M.Bader)
乌加(Uygar Abaci)康德的情态革命理论。牛津:牛津大学出版社,2019年。x + 287.布,$ 85.00。

乌加尔·阿巴奇(Uygar Abaci)的康德情态革命理论始于对康德情态理论的有益而具有启发性的历史语境化。它提出了构成康德批判前模态理论化背景的本体论辩论。Abaci涵盖了Anselm和Descartes以及Leibniz和Wolff证明上帝存在的证据。前两个是从上帝作为完美主义者的思想开始的,然后通过争论存在是一个完美来尝试建立上帝的存在。相比之下,后两者认为上帝是必需品,因此只要上帝的概念不矛盾,上帝就必定存在。然后,他们通过确定ENS necessariumENS perfectissimum,这使得他们认为,这个概念只包含不能相互矛盾正谓词。[第334页]

Abaci的书的第二部分介绍了康德的批评前模态理论,他既对存在论不是真正的谓词进行了本体论论证,也对他自己在《论证的唯一可能依据》中确立上帝的存在进行了尝试。 1763(OPA)的“上帝存在的证明”。通过在OPA中引入实物模式的概念,康德通常被认为与他的逻辑主义前辈有决定性的背离。一旦真正的可能性不仅仅是与非矛盾的逻辑律相一致的问题,并且相应地,真正的必要性就不是逻辑上的必然性问题,那么康德就可以提出这样的观点:即使上帝的存在在逻辑上也不是必须的(假设存在)不是一个真正的谓词),但这确实是必要的,


