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A Feasibility Study of Urban Underground Logistics System -- A Case Study of Shanghai
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/703/1/012007
B Lu , M X Zhang , Y Q Fan

With rapid development of e-commerce, new retail and other new Internet business models, the requirements of the higher package handling efficiency and lower delivery cost are put forward in logistics industry. However, due to the lack of logistics facilities, the limitation of ground roads and the land use, the service of express delivery cannot satisfy the logistics demand, which makes the express delivery a “bottleneck” that restricts the development of urban logistics. Underground Logistics System (ULS) can be a new way to handle it. ULS refers to a logistics system which uses specific vehicles to realize the seamless connection of automatic loading, unloading, transportation, sorting and delivery of goods in the underground based on information technology. Firstly, we have studied ULS and explored its system architecture and advantages. Then, we have combined it with Shanghai Master Plan 2017-2035 and its express facilities planning, and provided a forecast of the express delivery demands in Shanghai in 2035. Based on the findings, we have proven the necessity of ULS corridors in the city. It is likely that the increase of logistics demand will bring about some urban problems such as traffic congestion, environmental pollution and resource waste, if no timely action is taken. As a new mode of urban express delivery, ULS can reduce the above negative effects and promote the sustainable development of the city.



随着电子商务、新零售等互联网新商业模式的快速发展,对物流行业提出了更高的包裹处理效率和更低的配送成本的要求。但由于物流设施的匮乏、地面道路和土地利用的限制,快递服务无法满足物流需求,使快递成为制约城市物流发展的“瓶颈”。地下物流系统 (ULS) 可能是一种处理它的新方法。ULS是指基于信息技术,利用特定车辆在地下实现货物自动装卸、运输、分拣、配送的无缝衔接的物流系统。首先,我们研究了ULS,探索了它的系统架构和优势。然后,我们将其与上海市2017-2035年总体规划及其快递设施规划相结合,对2035年上海的快递需求进行了预测。根据调查结果,我们证明了城市ULS走廊的必要性。如果不及时采取行动,物流需求的增加很可能带来一些城市问题,如交通拥堵、环境污染和资源浪费。ULS作为城市快递的一种新模式,可以减少上述负面影响,促进城市的可持续发展。如果不及时采取行动,物流需求的增加很可能带来一些城市问题,如交通拥堵、环境污染和资源浪费。ULS作为城市快递的一种新模式,可以减少上述负面影响,促进城市的可持续发展。如果不及时采取行动,物流需求的增加很可能带来一些城市问题,如交通拥堵、环境污染和资源浪费。ULS作为城市快递的一种新模式,可以减少上述负面影响,促进城市的可持续发展。
