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Mutual authentication of nodes using session token with fingerprint and MAC address validation
Egyptian Informatics Journal ( IF 5.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eij.2021.03.003
Amit Kumar Bairwa , Sandeep Joshi

Security has become an important issue during communication among mobile nodes in an unfavorable condition. The mobile node’s property is dynamic, so it isn’t easy to manage security policies. These difficulties present a barrier to building multigene security arrangements that accomplish both assurance and attractive network execution. The proposed work suggests the mutual authentication-based protocol, helping in the handshake between two nodes. Once they connected securely through this mechanism, they can interchange the required information. We have a monitoring node that will maintain the access list of the authorized nodes. The monitoring node will keep the nodes’ list based on the MAC address of nodes and digital signature key. The key is generated by combining the hash code of the MAC address with the variety of the user’s fingerprint file acting as a node. The combination of both will verify the entity. It involves the various subsections that include registering the user, token generation, sending and receiving messages through multiple algorithms. The proposed work is implemented using MATLAB. The analysis of the base work and the proposed work is visualized by structuring the GUI. Due to all the strength of the pattern of session token is further validated using the various online password checking tools, and the results obtained are quite impressive. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) is a cryptographic hashing algorithm used to decide a specific bit of information’s integrity. In the proposed method, we used different types of keys with additional entropy to check the trust level of password security. The result has been discussed using various entropy graphs that prove improvement over the existing approach.


使用带有指纹和 MAC 地址验证的会话令牌对节点进行相互验证

移动节点在不利条件下进行通信时,安全性已成为一个重要问题。移动节点的属性是动态的,因此管理安全策略并不容易。这些困难为构建实现保证和有吸引力的网络执行的多基因安全安排带来了障碍。拟议的工作提出了基于相互身份验证的协议,有助于两个节点之间的握手。一旦他们通过这种机制安全地连接起来,他们就可以交换所需的信息。我们有一个监控节点,它将维护授权节点的访问列表。监控节点会根据节点的MAC地址和数字签名密钥保存节点列表。密钥是通过将 MAC 地址的哈希码与充当节点的用户指纹文件的多样性相结合而生成的。两者的结合将验证实体。它涉及各个小节,包括注册用户、生成令牌、通过多种算法发送和接收消息。建议的工作是使用 MATLAB 实现的。基础工作和建议工作的分析通过构建 GUI 进行可视化。由于使用各种在线密码检查工具进一步验证了会话令牌模式的所有强度,所获得的结果令人印象深刻。安全散列算法 (SHA) 是一种加密散列算法,用于确定特定信息位的完整性。在提出的方法中,我们使用具有附加熵的不同类型的密钥来检查密码安全的信任级别。已经使用各种熵图讨论了结果,这些熵图证明了对现有方法的改进。
