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Coherence length versus transition temperature of hydride-based and room temperature superconductors
Results in Physics ( IF 5.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rinp.2021.104219
R. Abd-Shukor

Recent discoveries of carbon-sulfur-hydrogen (C-S-H) room temperature superconductor (287.7 K) and near room temperature in hydride-based materials under high pressure have opened up an interesting and new avenue in the field of superconductivity. One of the important parameters of a superconductor is the coherence length, ξ which is the variation in the density of superconducting phase. ξ can also be related to the characteristic Cooper pair size. In this paper we report on the relation between ξ and the transition temperature, Tc of heavy fermions, conventional, iron arsenide-, cuprate- and hydride-based superconductors. This work showed that the coherence length was large for low Tc but for high Tc, ξ is short and tends to reach saturation value between 15 and 30 Å. ξ of the newly discovered hydride superconductors was found to be in the range of the cuprates. In this work, the coherence length of a 300 K superconductor extrapolated from the hydride-based data was found to be around 15 Å. This coherence length is sufficiently large to allow an effective Coulombic attraction between electrons in a Cooper pair.



在高压下氢化物基材料中碳硫氢(CSH)室温超导体(287.7 K)和接近室温的最新发现为超导领域开辟了有趣的新途径。超导体的重要参数之一是相干长度ξ,它是超导相密度的变化。ξ也可能与特征库珀对的大小有关。在本文中,我们报告了ξ与重费米,常规,砷化铁,铜酸盐和氢化物基超导体的转变温度T c之间的关系。这项工作表明,相干长度对于低T c而言较大,而对于高T c而言,ξ短,趋于达到15到30Å之间的饱和度值。发现新发现的氢化物超导体的ξ在铜酸盐的范围内。在这项工作中,从基于氢化物的数据推断出的300 K超导体的相干长度约为15。该相干长度足够大以允许库珀对中的电子之间的有效库仑吸引。
