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Community-level assisted migration for climate-appropriate prairie restoration
Restoration Ecology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-23 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13416
Mark J. McKone 1 , Daniel L. Hernández 1

Climate change threatens the long-term survival of highly fragmented habitats such as North American tallgrass prairie. De novo plantings into former agricultural sites can contribute to efforts to conserve prairie biodiversity, but past planting practice (including our own) has focused on the use of local species and genotypes. Climate change makes this “local-only” practice obsolete because of rapidly shifting species' ranges. We propose that new prairie plantings incorporate assisted migration at the community level; all species and genotypes that are viable in the changed climate and potentially could reach the site in an unfragmented landscape should be considered for inclusion. Selecting and sourcing species for climate-appropriate restorations is possible with minimal additional cost or expertise. Based on best-available estimates of current and future climate, species richness of future prairie plantings at our Minnesota study site could be increased by over one-third (26 new species). Potential risks to such extensive use of assisted migration are offset by the drastic conservation challenge of highly fragmented communities under climate change.



气候变化威胁着北美高草草原等高度分散的栖息地的长期生存。在以前的农业用地重新种植有助于保护草原生物多样性,但过去的种植实践(包括我们自己的种植实践)侧重于使用当地物种和基因型。由于物种分布范围的迅速变化,气候变化使这种“仅限当地”的做法过时了。我们建议新的草原种植纳入社区层面的辅助迁移;应考虑纳入所有在变化的气候中存活并可能在未分割的景观中到达该地点的物种和基因型。以最少的额外成本或专业知识为气候适宜的修复选择和采购物种是可能的。根据对当前和未来气候的最佳估计,我们明尼苏达州研究地点未来草原种植的物种丰富度可能会增加三分之一以上(26 个新物种)。气候变化下高度分散的社区面临的严峻保护挑战抵消了如此广泛使用辅助移民的潜在风险。