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The impact of COVID-19 on the grains and oilseeds sector: 12 months later
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics ( IF 9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-22 , DOI: 10.1111/cjag.12281
Derek Gerald Brewin 1

Brewin (2020) was optimistic about the fate of the Canadian grains and oilseeds sector in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic descended on the world. The sector did generate a large crop and, towards the end of 2020, saw a lift in prices. This contributed to record farm income in Canada in 2020. The pace of grain and oilseed exports in Canada and ethanol demand in the east were affected by COVID-19, but the forecast of a “near normal” 2020 was relatively accurate. Production and prices stayed on track, largely because the world did not impose significant new barriers to trade in cereals and oilseeds and because these sectors have distanced labor in virtually every step of the supply chain which protected these markets from this pandemic. The dominant price factor for the sector remains global demand that had been growing before 2020 relative to the pace of production and may have been stimulated by deficit budgets around the world. Compared to the tight global stocks, COVID-19 had a minor impact on grain prices which led to steady production worldwide and in Canada. We are still waiting for more evidence to assess the role of federal coordination in the success of the grains and oilseed sector in 2020, but Canada's past participation in trade and safety protocols based on science allowed the grains and oilseed sector in Canada to earn a very good income in 2020.


COVID-19 对谷物和油籽行业的影响:12 个月后

随着 COVID-19 大流行席卷全球,Brewin (2020) 对 2020 年加拿大谷物和油籽行业的命运持乐观态度。该行业确实产生了大量收成,并且到 2020 年底,价格上涨。这促成了 2020 年加拿大农业收入创纪录。加拿大粮食和油籽出口步伐以及东部乙醇需求受到 COVID-19 的影响,但对 2020 年“接近正常”的预测相对准确。产量和价格保持正常,主要是因为世界没有对谷物和油籽贸易施加重大的新壁垒,而且这些部门几乎在供应链的每一个环节都与劳动力保持距离,从而保护这些市场免受这种流行病的影响。该行业的主要价格因素仍然是全球需求,该需求在 2020 年之前相对于生产速度一直在增长,并且可能受到全球赤字预算的刺激。与全球库存紧张相比,COVID-19 对谷物价格的影响较小,导致全球和加拿大的产量稳定。我们仍在等待更多证据来评估联邦协调在 2020 年谷物和油籽行业取得成功中的作用,但加拿大过去参与基于科学的贸易和安全协议,使加拿大的谷物和油籽行业获得了非常高的收入。 2020年收入不错。