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Sustainable Corporate Governance: A Way Forward?
European Company and Financial Law Review Pub Date : 2021-04-01 , DOI: 10.1515/ecfr-2021-0010
Vanessa Knapp 1

This article looks at proposals to improve sustainable corporate governance of companies. These include: how to deal with shareholder primacy; a proposed requirement for companies to have an overarching purpose “to create sustainable value within planetary boundaries;” a directors’ duty to promote the undertaking’s interests to fulfil its overarching purpose; a directors’ duty to balance stakeholders’ interests; a duty to undertake a due diligence sustainability assessment; company and director liability for breaches; stakeholder enforcement of directors’ duties and public enforcement of directors’ duties. It considers problems with the proposals. It suggests alternative ways to make companies’ corporate governance more sustainable, including: improved corporate reporting relating to engagement with key stakeholders and how this contributes to the company’s long-term sustainability; better viability reporting by companies; reporting on capital allocation; better stewardship similar to the UK Stewardship Code 2020; more collaborative engagement by shareholders with companies in a manner similar to that promoted by the UK Investor Forum; making requisitioning of resolutions work better in practice; and, possibly, a vote on whether the company is creating sustainable value in the long term (a say on sustainability).



本文着眼于改善公司可持续公司治理的建议。这些内容包括:如何应对股东至高无上的行为;提议的要求公司具有“在星球边界内创造可持续价值”的总体目标;董事有责任促进企业的利益以实现其总体目标;董事有责任平衡利益相关者的利益;进行尽职调查可持续性评估的义务;公司和董事的违约责任;利益相关者执行董事职责和公众执行董事职责。它考虑了提案的问题。它提出了使公司的公司治理更具可持续性的替代方法,包括:改进了与主要利益相关者的参与有关的公司报告,以及如何为公司的长期可持续性做出贡献;公司更好的可行性报告;报告资本配置;类似于英国《 2020年管理守则》的更好的管理;股东与英国公司以类似于英国投资者论坛所倡导的方式进行更多的合作参与;在实践中使对决议的要求更好地工作;并可能就公司是否在长期创造可持续价值(就可持续性发表意见)进行投票。股东与英国公司以类似于英国投资者论坛所倡导的方式进行更多的合作参与;在实践中使对决议的要求更好地工作;并可能就公司是否在长期创造可持续价值(就可持续性发表意见)进行投票。股东与英国公司以类似于英国投资者论坛所倡导的方式进行更多的合作参与;在实践中使对决议的要求更好地工作;并可能就公司是否在长期创造可持续价值(就可持续性发表意见)进行投票。