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Pessoa in Sweden: the Northern trajectory of a lonely canonical
The Translator ( IF 0.744 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1080/13556509.2020.1856762
Stefan Helgesson 1


By looking simultaneously at the succession of translations of Pessoa into Swedish and the critical reception of Pessoa in Sweden, this article investigates when and how Pessoa became a point of reference in the Swedish literary field. The hypothesis is that there currently are two overlapping versions of Pessoa in circulation in Sweden. One is Pessoa as a metonym for Lisbon, the other is Pessoa as a distinct author figure defined by his four main heteronyms but often disconnected from any specific corpus of poetry. In the 1980s, this author figure was enlisted (by the winning side) in a struggle between competing aesthetic paradigms in Sweden. Among the handful of critics and translators that have shaped the Swedish reception, this article looks especially at the pioneering contributions of Arne Lundgren and Bengt Holmqvist. Particular attention is then paid to Orons bok (Livro do desassossego). First published in 1991, Orons bok has since appeared in two more editions and is the translation that has reached the largest number of readers. In this regard, the Swedish reception follows an international tendency to construct Pessoa as the author of Livro.




通过同时观察佩索阿的瑞典语翻译的连续性和佩索阿在瑞典的批判性接受,本文调查佩索阿何时以及如何成为瑞典文学领域的一个参考点。假设是目前瑞典有两种重叠的 Pessoa 版本在流通。一个是作为里斯本转喻的佩索阿,另一个是作为独特作家形象的佩索阿由他的四个主要异名定义,但经常与任何特定的诗歌语料库脱节。在 1980 年代,这位作者人物被(获胜方)招募到瑞典相互竞争的美学范式之间的斗争中。在影响瑞典接待的少数评论家和翻译家中,本文特别关注 Arne Lundgren 和 Bengt Holmqvist 的开创性贡献。然后特别关注Orons bok ( Livro do desassossego )。Orons bok于 1991 年首次出版,此后又出现了两个版本,是读者人数最多的译本。在这方面,瑞典的接待遵循了将佩索阿构建为Livro的作者的国际趋势。.
