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Celiac disease: Understandings in diagnostic, nutritional, and medicinal aspects
International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-21 , DOI: 10.1177/20587384211008709
Taoufik Ben Houmich 1 , Brahim Admou 1, 2

Celiac disease (CD) is characterized by clinical polymorphism, with classic, asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic, and extra-intestinal forms, which may lead to diagnostic delay and exposure to serious complications. CD is a multidisciplinary health concern involving general medicine, pediatric, and adult gastroenterology, among other disciplines. Immunology and pathology laboratories have a fundamental role in diagnosing and monitoring CD. The diagnosis consists of serological testing based on IgA anti-transglutaminase (TG2) antibodies combined with IgA quantification to rule out IgA deficiency, a potential misleading factor of CD diagnosis. Positive TG2 serology should be corroborated by anti-endomysium antibody testing before considering an intestinal biopsy. Owing to multiple differential diagnoses, celiac disease cannot be confirmed based on serological positivity alone, nor on isolated villous atrophy. In children with classical signs or even when asymptomatic, with high levels of CD-linked markers and positive HLA DQ2 and/or DQ8 molecules, the current trend is to confirm the diagnosis on basis of the non-systematic use of the biopsy, which remains obligatory in adults. The main challenge in managing CD is the implementation and compliance with a gluten-free diet (GFD). This explains the key role of the dietitian and the active participation of patients and their families throughout the disease-management process. The presence of the gluten in several forms of medicine requires the sensitization of physicians when prescribing, and particularly when dispensing gluten-containing formulations by pharmacists. This underlines the importance of the contribution of the pharmacist in the care of patients with CD within the framework of close collaboration with physicians and nutritionists.



乳糜泻(CD)的特点是临床多态性,具有典型的、无症状的或少症状的以及肠外形式,这可能导致诊断延迟和暴露于严重并发症。CD 是一个多学科的健康问题,涉及普通医学、儿科和成人胃肠病学等学科。免疫学和病理学实验室在诊断和监测 CD 方面发挥着重要作用。诊断包括基于 IgA 抗转谷氨酰胺酶 (TG2) 抗体的血清学检测结合 IgA 定量,以排除 IgA 缺乏症,这是 CD 诊断的潜在误导因素。在考虑进行肠活检之前,应通过抗肌内膜抗体检测证实 TG2 血清学阳性。由于多重鉴别诊断,不能仅根据血清学阳性或孤立的绒毛萎缩来确诊乳糜泻。对于具有典型体征或什至无症状、具有高水平 CD 连锁标志物和阳性 HLA DQ2 和/或 DQ8 分子的儿童,目前的趋势是在非系统使用活检的基础上确认诊断,这仍然存在在成年人中是强制性的。管理 CD 的主要挑战是实施和遵守无麸质饮食 (GFD)。这解释了营养师的关键作用以及患者及其家人在整个疾病管理过程中的积极参与。麸质在多种形式的药物中的存在需要医生在开处方时引起注意,尤其是在药剂师分配含麸质制剂时。
