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Book History Pub Date : 2021-04-21

In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contributors

Nora C. Benedict is an Assistant Professor of Spanish and Digital Humanities at the University of Georgia. Her research centers on twentieth-century Latin American literature, book history, and questions of access and maintenance surrounding both digital and print cultures. She is author of Borges and the Literary Marketplace (Yale, 2021) and is co-editing the Oxford Handbook of Jorge Luis Borges with Daniel Balderston.

Mila Daskalova is a final year PhD student at the University of Strathclyde. Her AHRC-funded doctoral project adopts a book-historical approach to trace the origins, production, and dissemination of periodicals published in nineteenth-century asylums and to examine the therapeutic use of letterpress printing in Britain and America. Her research interests lie in nineteenth-century print production, literature, and periodical studies and the intersections between medical and literary publishing. She holds the G.P. Johnston Prize in Scottish Book History and Bibliography (2019).

John J. Garcia is Assistant Professor in English at Florida State University. He specializes in the history of the book in America from the colonial era to about 1900. His research has been supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ford Foundation, the McNeil Center for Early American Studies, and the Rare Book School, where is a Senior Fellow in the Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography.

Anne Garner is a doctoral student at Drew University. Previously, she was Curator of Rare Books and Manuscripts at The New York Academy of Medicine, and Librarian in the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection at the New York Public Library. Prior publications include articles in American Libraries and RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage.

Alexa Hazel studied political and social thought and English as a Jefferson Scholar at the University of Virginia. She completed an MSt in World Literatures in English at Exeter College, the University of Oxford, under a Prince Sultan studentship and titular Clarendon Scholarship. She is currently a doctoral student in Modern Thought & Literature at Stanford University.

Carrie N. Knight is currently a PhD candidate at University of Rochester. Her work focuses on the long nineteenth-century in America with particular emphasis on health, culture, and gender. She is currently completing a dissertation on the gendered history of American Individualism. Ms. Knight serves on the staff of the Seward Family Digital Archive (www.sewardproject.org), where she connects community volunteers and project staff in shared learning opportunities. Ms. Knight has worked in public history for over twenty years.

Kelly Minot McCay is a PhD candidate in History at Harvard University. She holds a bachelor's degree in Linguistics from Princeton University and an MPhil in Early Modern History from St John's College, Cambridge. McCay studies the history of linguistic thought and is currently beginning her doctoral dissertation on innovative writing systems in early modern England, including shorthand, spelling reform programs, ciphers, and universal characters.

Ritika Prasad is Associate Professor of History at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. She is the author of Tracks of Change: Railways and Everyday Life in Colonial India (Cambridge, 2015). She is currently working on a project analyzing the relationship between the press, the colonial and postcolonial state, and a broader public as it has developed in India over two centuries. Her most recent work has appeared in Modern Asia Studies.

Millicent Weber is a Lecturer in English at the Australian National University. Her books include the monograph Literary Festivals and Contemporary Book Culture (Palgrave Macmillan, 2018), and essay collections Book Publishing in Australia: A Living Legacy (Monash, 2019) and Publishing Means Business: Australian Perspectives (Monash, 2017).

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  • 贡献者

Nora C. Benedict是佐治亚大学的西班牙和数字人文学科助理教授。她的研究重点是20世纪的拉丁美洲文学,书籍历史以及围绕数字和印刷文化的访问和维护问题。她是《博尔赫斯和文学市场》(耶鲁,2021年)的作者,与丹尼尔·巴尔德斯顿共同编辑《豪尔赫·路易斯·博尔赫斯牛津手册》

Mila Daskalova是Strathclyde大学的博士研究生。她的AHRC资助的博士项目采用的是书本历史方法,以追溯在19世纪避难所中出版的期刊的起源,生产和传播,并研究在英国和美国的凸版印刷的治疗用途。她的研究兴趣在于19世纪的印刷品,文学和期刊研究以及医学和文学出版之间的交集。她获得了苏格兰图书历史和书目GP约翰斯顿奖(2019)。

John J. Garcia是佛罗里达州立大学的英语助理教授。他专门研究从殖民地时代到1900年左右的美国书籍的历史。他的研究得到了美国国家人文基金会,福特基金会,麦克尼尔美国早期研究中心和稀有书籍学校的支持。是安德鲁·W·梅隆(Andrew W. Mellon)关键书目学者协会的资深会员。

安妮·加纳Anne Garner)是德鲁大学(Drew University)的一名博士生。在此之前,她是纽约医学院的稀有书籍和手稿的策展人,以及纽约公共图书馆的亨利·W·和阿尔伯特·A·伯格收藏的图书管理员。先前的出版物包括《美国图书馆》和《RBM:稀有书籍,手稿和文化遗产杂志》中的文章

Alexa Hazel是弗吉尼亚大学的杰斐逊学者,学习过政治和社会思想以及英语。她获得苏丹王子奖学金和名义上的克拉伦登奖学金,在牛津大学埃克塞特学院获得了英语世界文学硕士学位。她目前是斯坦福大学现代思想与文学博士研究生。

Carrie N. Knight目前是罗切斯特大学的博士学位候选人。她的工作着眼于十九世纪的美国,尤其着重于健康,文化和性别。她目前正在完成有关美国个人主义性别史的论文。奈特女士担任苏厄德家庭数字档案馆(www.sewardproject.org)的工作人员,在这里她与社区志愿者和项目人员联系在一起,共同学习。奈特女士在公共历史领域工作了二十多年。

凯利·米诺特·麦凯Kelly Minot McCay)是哈佛大学历史学博士研究生。她拥有普林斯顿大学的语言学学士学位和剑桥大学圣约翰学院的近现代史硕士学位。麦凯(McCay)研究语言思想的历史,目前正在开始她的博士学位论文,涉及近代早期英格兰的创新写作体系,包括速记,拼写改革程序,密码和通用字符。

Ritika Prasad是北卡罗来纳大学夏洛特分校的历史副教授。她是《变革轨迹:印度殖民地的铁路与日常生活》(剑桥,2015年)的作者。她目前正在研究一个项目,分析新闻界,殖民地和后殖民国家以及两个世纪以来在印度发展的广大公众之间的关系。她的最新著作发表在《现代亚洲研究》上

Millicent Weber是澳大利亚国立大学的英语讲师。她的著作包括专着《文学节和当代书文化》(帕尔格雷夫·麦克米伦(Palgrave Macmillan),2018年)以及论文集《澳大利亚图书出版:活着的遗产》(莫纳什,2019年)和《出版手段业务:澳大利亚观点》(莫纳什,2017年)。

