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Phosphate Transporter MdPHT1;7 Enhances Phosphorus Accumulation and Improves Low Phosphorus and Drought Tolerance
Journal of Plant Biology ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-20 , DOI: 10.1007/s12374-021-09309-2
Tingting Sun , Beibei Zhou , Tingting Pei , Hu Meng , Junke Zhang , Fengwang Ma , Qinping Wei

Phosphorus is an important macronutrient for plant growth and is acquired by plants mainly as phosphate. Phosphate fertilizer is usually used to reduce inorganic phosphate (Pi) deficiency in the soil, improve the low phosphorus and drought tolerance of plants, and promote plant growth. Phosphate transporters (PHTs) play an important role in absorbing phosphorus from the soil. MdPHT1;7 was induced by Pi deficiency and drought in roots in our previous research. In this study, we cloned MdPHT1;7 and showed its heterologous expression can complement a high-affinity Pi transporter gene in the Pi uptake-defective yeast mutant BY4743. MdPHT1;7 is a phosphorus transporter located on the cell membrane. Overexpression of MdPHT1;7 in ‘Orin’ apple and ‘Micro-Tom’ tomato enhanced Pi accumulation, low Pi tolerance and drought tolerance. We hypothesized that MdPHT1;7 can enhance Pi absorption and play an important role in improving plant resistance to low phosphorus and drought stresses.


磷酸盐转运蛋白MdPHT1; 7增强磷的积累并改善低磷和耐旱性

磷是植物生长的重要常量营养元素,植物主要以磷酸盐的形式获取磷。磷酸盐肥料通常用于减少土壤中无机磷酸盐(Pi)的缺乏,提高植物的低磷和干旱耐受性,并促进植物生长。磷酸盐转运体(PHTs)在吸收土壤中的磷方面起着重要作用。在我们以前的研究中,MdPHT1; 7是由根部缺磷和干旱诱导的。在这项研究中,我们克隆了MdPHT1; 7,并显示其异源表达可以补充Pi摄取缺陷型酵母突变体BY4743中的高亲和力Pi转运蛋白基因。MdPHT1; 7是位于细胞膜上的磷转运蛋白。MdPHT1的过表达; 7'Orin'苹果和'Micro-Tom'番茄中的Pi增强了Pi积累,低Pi耐性和耐旱性。我们假设MdPHT1; 7可以增强Pi的吸收并在提高植物对低磷和干旱胁迫的抗性中起重要作用。
