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A new finite element approach to model microscale strain localization within olivine aggregates
Solid Earth ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.5194/se-2021-30
Jean Furstoss , Carole Petit , Clément Ganino , Marc Bernacki , Daniel Pino-Muñoz

Abstract. This paper presents a new mesoscopic full field approach for the modelling of microstructural evolutions and mechanical behavior of olivine aggregates. The mechanical framework is based on a reduced crystal plasticity (CP) formulation which is adapted to account for non-dislocation glide strain-accommodating mechanisms in olivine polycrystals. This mechanical description is coupled with a mixed velocity/pressure finite element (FE) formulation through a classical crystal plasticity finite element method (CPFEM) approach. The microstrutural evolutions, such as grain boundary migration and dynamic recrystallization, are also computed within a FE framework using an implicit description of the polycrystal through the level-set approach. This numerical framework is used to study the strain localization, at the polycrystal scale, on different types of pre-existing shear zones for thermomechanical conditions relevant to laboratory experiments. We show that both fine-grained and crystallographic textured pre-existing bands favor strain localization at the sample scale. The combination of both processes has a large effect on strain localization, which emphasizes the importance of these two microstructural characteristics (texture and grain size) on the mechanical behavior of the aggregate.


