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The linguistic landscape of Bukhara and Tashkent in the post-Soviet era
World Englishes ( IF 1.154 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-19 , DOI: 10.1111/weng.12553
Dilia Hasanova 1

The sociopolitical changes that have taken place in Central Asia since the downfall of the Soviet Union have had a significant effect on the linguistic landscape of Uzbekistan. Russian, the dominant language of the Soviet era, lost its power and prestige in the wake of independence. Uzbek, the mother tongue of the local people, became the country's sole official language, while English, once considered the language of the Western bourgeoise, started to flourish as the most popular foreign language in post-Soviet Uzbekistan. Using the concept of linguistic landscape, this study analyzes the presence and use of Uzbek, Russian, and English languages on public and private signs in two major Uzbek cities. The findings of the study reveal that even though it has been almost 30 years since Uzbek was declared as an official language, its presence on public and private signs is not as widespread as people might think.



自苏联解体以来中亚发生的社会政治变化对乌兹别克斯坦的语言格局产生了重大影响。苏联时代的主要语言俄语在独立后失去了力量和威望。当地人的母语乌兹别克语成为该国唯一的官方语言,而曾经被认为是西方资产阶级语言的英语在后苏联乌兹别克斯坦开始成为最受欢迎的外语。本研究使用语言景观的概念,分析乌兹别克语、俄语和英语在两个主要乌兹别克城市的公共和私人标志上的存在和使用。研究结果表明,尽管乌兹别克语被宣布为官方语言已经将近 30 年,