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Rare Occurrence of Mirabilite in the Thirteenth-Century Historic Salt Mine in Bochnia (Poland): Characterisation, Preservation, and Geotourism
Geoheritage ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s12371-021-00562-y
Aleksandra Puławska , Maciej Manecki , Michał Flasza , Edyta Waluś , Karolina Wojtowicz

The small stalactites found on the ceiling at level I near the Sutoris shaft in the thirteenth-century historic salt mine in Bochnia, Poland, are mainly composed of mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O) followed by blödite (Na2Mg(SO4)2·4H2O). The unique presence of these two minerals in only one location in this old underground mine is attributed to contemporary precipitation from percolating solutions. This can be caused by a combination of at least two factors: a specific and stable microclimate (characterised by a low temperature, high humidity, and relatively strong air circulation which accelerates the processes of evaporation and crystallisation) and the specific chemical composition of the leaking solution (contains a low carbonate and high sulphate content, and characterised by acidic pH (4.8) and intermediate-mineralisation (174,308 mg/L)). The microclimate specified above can be linked to the long distance from the ventilation shaft that pumps the air from the surface to the mine, while the composition of the leaking solution as well as the hydrochemical modelling results obtained with PHREEQC can be directly related to the top anhydrite layer and the overlying secondary cap consisting mainly of claystone, anhydrite, and gypsum. In this study, the challenges underlying the preservation of mirabilite in the underground environment of the salt mine are discussed, in terms of both nature and mining law. Based on the results of detailed geological, mineralogical, and chemical research, appropriate solutions that can be practically applied for the management, preservation, and protection of the mirabilite efflorescence are proposed. The presence of this intriguing mineral, with appropriate protection, can be another geological attraction for tourists visiting this thirteenth-century UNESCO-recognised salt mine.



在波兰波黑尼亚十三世纪历史悠久的盐矿的Sutoris竖井附近I层天花板上发现的小钟乳石,主要由芒硝(Na 2 SO 4 ·10H 2 O)和次氯酸钠(Na 2 Mg( SO 42 ·4H 2O)。这两种矿物质在这个古老的地下矿井中只有一个位置的独特存在是由于渗滤溶液产生的当代降水所致。这可能是由以下两个因素共同引起的:特定且稳定的微气候(以低温,高湿度和相对较强的空气循环为特征,从而加速了蒸发和结晶过程)以及泄漏的特定化学成分溶液(碳酸盐含量低,硫酸盐含量高,并且具有酸性pH值(4.8)和中间矿化(174,308 mg / L)的特征)。上面指定的小气候可以与距通风井的长距离相联系,通风井将空气从地表抽至矿井,而用PHREEQC获得的泄漏溶液的成分以及水化学模拟结果可以直接与硬石膏顶层和上覆的次生盖层直接相关,这些次生盖层主要由粘土岩,硬石膏和石膏组成。在这项研究中,从自然和采矿法两方面讨论了盐矿地下环境中保存芒硝的潜在挑战。根据详细的地质,矿物学和化学研究的结果,提出了可实际用于管理,保存和保护芒硝风化的适当解决方案。这种引人入胜的矿物的存在,加上适当的保护,对于参观这个十三世纪被联合国教科文组织认可的盐矿的游客来说,可能是另一个地质吸引力。
