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Smartphone Addiction and Quality of Sleep among Indian Medical Students
Psychiatry ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.1080/00332747.2021.1907870
Surobhi Chatterjee , Sujita Kumar Kar

Background: Smartphone is an indispensable miracle of artificial intelligence in the hands of global netizens. Medical students overburdened and sleep-deprived due to the curricular demands can have serious health effects due to further sleep deprivation caused by problematic smartphone use, affecting their work proficiency as practicing physicians. This study aimed to evaluate the association of smartphone addiction and quality of sleep among medical students across all semesters, along with other background variables.

Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted on 224 medical students of a tertiary care teaching hospital in North India using a self-administered questionnaire with four parts –Socio-demographic characteristics, General health questionnaire (GHQ-12), Smartphone addiction scale-short version (SAS-SV), and Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI).

Results: The prevalence of smartphone addiction is was found out to be 33.33% in females and 46.15% in males. In the study, 63.39% were poor sleepers as assessed by their PQSI scores, and 62.05% reported poor health status as per their GHQ scores. There was a positive correlation between overall PQSI scores and smartphone use duration per day, SAS-SV scores, and GHQ scores.

Conclusion: The high prevalence of excessive smartphone usage among medical students is a cause for concern and is detrimental to their health and sleep quality. The research addresses current lacunae in correlating smartphone addiction with smartphone usage before sleeping and right after waking up. Risky behavior adoption and pervasive mood changes associated with excessive smartphone use are addressed with equal representation across semesters. The study recommends increasing self-awareness for help-seeking to regulate smartphone usage and providing counseling services for students in their formative years.




方法:这项横断面研究是对印度北部一家三级医疗教学医院的 224 名医学生进行的,使用自填式问卷调查,问卷分为四部分——社会人口特征、一般健康问卷 (GHQ-12)、智能手机成瘾量表——短版 (SAS-SV) 和匹兹堡睡眠质量指数 (PSQI)。

结果:发现智能手机成瘾的患病率在女性中为 33.33%,在男性中为 46.15%。在研究中,63.39% 的人根据他们的 PQSI 分数评估为睡眠不佳62.05% 的人根据他们的 GHQ 分数报告健康状况不佳。总体 PQSI 分数与每天使用智能手机的持续时间、SAS-SV 分数和 GHQ 分数呈正相关。

结论: 医学生中过度使用智能手机的高发率令人担忧,并且不利于他们的健康和睡眠质量。该研究解决了目前在将智能手机成瘾与睡前和醒来后使用智能手机相关联的缺陷。与过度使用智能手机相关的风险行为采用和普遍的情绪变化在各个学期都得到了平等的解决。该研究建议提高自我意识以寻求帮助,以规范智能手机的使用,并为处于成长阶段的学生提供咨询服务。
