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Examining Inequitable Workload in a Time of Crisis: A COVID-19 “Sabbatical”
Communication, Culture & Critique ( IF 2.052 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-14 , DOI: 10.1093/ccc/tcab016
Brandi Lawless 1

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly exacerbated already existing disparities for women in the academy (Guy & Arthur, 2021; Hayden & Obrien Hallstein, 2021; Sills, 2020). This is seen most prominently for mothers of infants, toddlers, or school-aged children who are expected to take on the bulk of childrearing and maintain their academic prowess. Institutional efforts to stop the tenure clock may do little to help these women “catch-up” or address the fact that they are more likely to fall behind their male counterparts. Even still, such accommodations do not change the fact that delaying tenure and/or promotion will increase pay inequities. For contingent women faculty, such a blow to productivity may halt the ability to secure long-term employment. These gaps have reached every corner of academe and threaten the future of the professoriate and our discipline. Women in academia are forced to choose between having a successful career and being a good mother. Or they are expected to perform the idea that they can “have it all.” The pandemic has made this discourse more evident.



COVID-19 大流行极大地加剧了学院中女性现有的差距(Guy 和 Arthur,2021 年;Hayden 和 Obrien Hallstein,2021 年;Sills,2020 年)。对于婴儿、学步儿童或学龄儿童的母亲来说,这一点最为突出,她们预计将承担大部分育儿工作并保持学术能力。停止任期时钟的机构努力可能无助于帮助这些女性“赶上”或解决她们更有可能落后于男性同行的事实。即便如此,这种便利也不会改变延迟任期和/或晋升会增加薪酬不平等的事实。对于临时性的女教师来说,这种对生产力的打击可能会影响获得长期就业的能力。这些差距已经到达了学术界的每个角落,并威胁着教授和我们学科的未来。学术界的女性被迫在事业成功和成为好母亲之间做出选择。或者他们被期望执行他们可以“拥有一切”的想法。大流行使这种话语更加明显。