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Introduction to the Special Issue: The Sociology of W. E. B. Du Bois
Social Problems ( IF 5.397 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1093/socpro/spab007
Earl Wright 1 , Aldon D Morris 2

In the late 1990s an upstart and insurgent push arose in the discipline of sociology to expand the literature on the contributions of William Edward Burghardt (W. E. B.) Du Bois beyond cursory acknowledgments of his 1899 book Philadelphia Negro and his theories including “double consciousness” and the talented tenth. This new season of scholarship on Du Bois extends beyond these topical areas to provide exhaustive analyses of the momentous role he played in establishing scientific sociology in the United States.


特刊简介:杜波依斯(WEB Du Bois)的社会学

在1990年代后期,社会学领域出现了暴动和反叛活动,以扩大有关威廉·爱德华·伯格哈特(WEB)杜波依斯(Du Bois)的贡献的文献,而不仅仅是对他在1899年出版的《费城黑人》(Philadelphia Negro)及其理论(包括“双重意识”和才华十分。关于杜布瓦(Du Bois)的这一新的奖学金季超出了这些主题领域,以详尽地分析他在美国建立科学社会学中所扮演的重要角色。