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The Dilemma of Scale: competing imperatives for global restoration
Restoration Ecology ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-15 , DOI: 10.1111/rec.13408
Emily Sigman 1

Social–ecological restoration (SoER) embraces the nested interdependence of societies and ecosystems. An outpouring of SoER research has substantively shaped the global restoration agenda and will continue to play a critical role as the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration unfolds. In this article, I argue that global restoration ambitions are limited by two competing imperatives in SoER literature. The first imperative seeks to generalize restoration standards and metrics through rapid coordination and scaling. The second imperative seeks to upend problematic power dynamics, demanding social inclusivity and site specificity at levels that tend to resist scaling. Although these imperatives do not necessarily compete in theory, they often do in practice. Relying on a synthesis of key articles and expanding on the concept of “social-ecological mismatches” (Cumming et al. 2006), I examine how the prevailing SoER research discourse creates a confounding landscape for restoration practitioners, who face what I term the “Dilemma of Scale.” I explore how this dilemma perpetuates systems of global inequality and inhibits efforts to effectively animate initiatives like the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. I suggest that the Dilemma of Scale can be effectively mitigated by (1) identifying values that span both imperatives and work to decouple SoER projects from systems of exploitation and oppression and (2) expressly incorporating historical methods into SoER research and projects.



社会生态恢复 (SoER) 包含社会和生态系统的嵌套相互依存关系。大量的 SoER 研究已经实质性地塑造了全球恢复议程,并将随着联合国生态系统恢复十年的展开继续发挥关键作用。在本文中,我认为全球恢复雄心受到 SoER 文献中两个相互竞争的要求的限制。第一个当务之急是通过快速协调和扩展来推广恢复标准和指标。第二个当务之急是颠覆有问题的权力动态,要求社会包容性和场地特殊性达到倾向于抵制规模化的水平。尽管这些命令不一定在理论上具有竞争力,但它们在实践中经常存在。依靠关键文章的综合并扩展“社会生态失配”的概念(Cumming 等人,2006 年),我研究了盛行的 SoER 研究话语如何为修复从业者创造了一个令人困惑的景观,他们面临着我所说的“规模的困境。” 我探讨了这种困境如何使全球不平等系统长期存在,并阻碍有效推动联合国生态系统恢复十年等倡议的努力。我建议可以通过以下方式有效缓解规模困境:(1) 确定跨越必要性和工作的价值观,以将 SoER 项目与剥削和压迫系统分离,以及 (2) 明确将历史方法纳入 SoER 研究和项目中。我研究了盛行的 SoER 研究话语如何为修复从业者创造了一个令人困惑的景观,他们面临着我所说的“规模困境”。我探讨了这种困境如何使全球不平等系统长期存在,并阻碍有效推动联合国生态系统恢复十年等倡议的努力。我建议可以通过以下方式有效缓解规模困境:(1) 确定跨越必要性和工作的价值观,以将 SoER 项目与剥削和压迫系统分离,以及 (2) 明确将历史方法纳入 SoER 研究和项目中。我研究了盛行的 SoER 研究话语如何为修复从业者创造了一个令人困惑的景观,他们面临着我所说的“规模困境”。我探讨了这种困境如何使全球不平等系统长期存在,并阻碍有效推动联合国生态系统恢复十年等倡议的努力。我建议可以通过以下方式有效缓解规模困境:(1) 确定跨越必要性和工作的价值观,以将 SoER 项目与剥削和压迫系统分离,以及 (2) 明确将历史方法纳入 SoER 研究和项目中。