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Prevention of school conflict in a Mexican primary school from an integrative and restorative perspective
Education 3-13 Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1080/03004279.2021.1914126
David Pérez-Jorge 1 , Isabel Alonso-Rodríguez 1 , Eva Ariño-Matero 2 , María del Carmen Rodríguez-Jiménez 1


The objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of different educational agents regarding the application of a conflict prevention programme through restorative practices. Eighteen teachers, 203 relatives and, 242 students from a Primary School located in the Mexican state of Sonora participated in this study. A pre-test and post-test questionnaire were applied to teachers, families, and students, about their perception of school coexistence. In addition, an attempt was made to confirm the importance of creating an integral educational climate, with educational references that favour healthy and respectful coexistence. The results showed that after applying the conflict prevention programme for five months, the students showed a positive vision regarding the use of dialogue to prevent and solve problems peacefully. In conclusion, it is necessary to build and maintain the bonds of the union to promote a positive coexistence that favours social well-being and an adequate climate of coexistence in schools.




本研究的目的是评估不同教育机构对通过恢复性实践实施冲突预防计划的看法。来自墨西哥索诺拉州一所小学的 18 名教师、203 名亲属和 242 名学生参与了这项研究。对教师、家庭和学生进行了关于他们对学校共存的看法的前测和后测问卷。此外,还试图确认创造一个完整的教育氛围的重要性,并提供有利于健康和尊重共存的教育参考。结果表明,在实施了五个月的冲突预防计划后,学生们对通过对话和平地预防和解决问题表现出了积极的看法。综上所述,
