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Four misconceptions about investigative genetic genealogy
Journal of Law and the Biosciences ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-03-09 , DOI: 10.1093/jlb/lsab001
Christi J Guerrini 1 , Ray A Wickenheiser 2 , Blaine Bettinger 3 , Amy L McGuire 1 , Stephanie M Fullerton 4

Investigative genetic genealogy (IGG) is a new technique for identifying criminal suspects that has sparked controversy. The technique involves uploading a crime scene DNA profile to one or more genetic genealogy databases with the intention of identifying a criminal offender’s genetic relatives and, eventually, locating the offender within the family tree. IGG was used to identify the Golden State Killer in 2018 and it is now being used in connection with hundreds of cases in the USA. Yet, as more law enforcement agencies conduct IGG, the privacy implications of the technique have come under scrutiny. While these issues deserve careful attention, we are concerned that their discussion is, at times, based on misunderstandings related to how IGG is used in criminal investigations and how IGG departs from traditional investigative techniques. Here, we aim to clarify and sharpen the public debate by addressing four misconceptions about IGG. We begin with a detailed description of IGG as it is currently practiced: what it is and—just as important—what it is not. We then examine misunderstood or not widely known aspects of IGG that are potentially confusing efforts to have constructive discussions about its future. We conclude with recommendations intended to support the productivity of those discussions.



调查性遗传谱系学(IGG)是一种新的犯罪嫌疑人身份鉴定技术,曾引发争议。该技术包括将犯罪现场的 DNA 档案上传到一个或多个遗传谱系数据库,以识别犯罪者的遗传亲属,并最终在家族树中定位犯罪者。IGG 在 2018 年被用来识别金州杀手,现在它被用于美国数百起案件。然而,随着越来越多的执法机构开展 IGG,该技术的隐私影响已受到审查。虽然这些问题值得仔细关注,但我们担心他们的讨论有时是基于对 IGG 如何用于刑事调查以及 IGG 如何与传统调查技术背离的误解。这里,我们旨在通过解决关于 IGG 的四个误解来澄清和加强公众辩论。我们首先详细描述 IGG 的当前实践:它是什么以及——同样重要的是——它不是什么。然后,我们检查了 IGG 中被误解或不广为人知的方面,这些方面可能会混淆对其未来进行建设性讨论的努力。最后,我们提出了旨在支持这些讨论的生产力的建议。