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Evaluation of Platelet Indices in Patients with Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis
Indian Journal of Hematology and Blood Transfusion ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s12288-021-01400-5
Saniya Sharma 1 , Narender Kumar 1 , Ishwar Bihana 1 , Varun Uppal 1 , Jasmina Ahluwalia 1 , Shano Naseem 1 , Neelam Varma 1 , Surinder Singh Rana 2

Splanchnic vein thrombosis (SVT) is a rare and lethal form of venous thrombosis. The role of platelet indices (PI’s) is not well studied in SVT. The present study was aimed to assess if the PI’s have a significant association with SVT. This was a prospective case control study from coagulation laboratory of Hematology department. A total 100 cases of SVT and 80 controls were screened for PI’s (MPV, PCT & PDW) and platelet count (PC) along with routine thrombophilic risk factors. The SVT cases were divided into 3 subgroups, that comprised of EHPVO/ PVT (n = 69), BCS (n = 27), and MVT (n = 4). The mean PC and PCT were significantly lower in patients than the controls. The PDW was significantly higher in cases than in the controls and MPV was relatively higher in cases however did not show statistical significance. In addition, 16 patients were found to have deranged thrombophilic risk factors. Among these, 8 cases had inherited risk factors (2: FVL; 5: PC; 1: PS) and 8 cases had acquired risk factors (2: APL; and 5: multiple factors and one case had both FVL mutation and APL positivity). The PDW and PCT together with PC were found to significantly differ in SVT cases than in controls, particularly in idiopathic cases. It may be worthwhile to explore the utility of PI’s as a potential risk factor in SVT.



内脏静脉血栓形成 (SVT) 是一种罕见且致命的静脉血栓形成形式。血小板指数 ( PI ) 在 SVT 中的作用尚未得到充分研究。本研究旨在评估PI是否与 SVT 有显着关联。这是一项来自血液科凝血实验室的前瞻性病例对照研究。总共筛选了 100 例 SVT 和 80 例对照的PI(MPV、PCT 和 PDW) 和血小板计数 (PC) 以及常规血栓形成危险因素。SVT 病例分为 3 个亚组,包括 EHPVO/PVT (n = 69)、BCS (n = 27) 和 MVT (n = 4)。患者的平均 PC 和 PCT 显着低于对照组。病例中的 PDW 显着高于对照组,病例中 MPV 相对较高,但未显示出统计学意义。此外,还发现 16 名患者有异常的易栓危险因素。其中,遗传性危险因素8例(2:FVL;5:PC;1:PS),8例具有获得性危险因素(2:APL;5:多因素,1例同时具有FVL突变和APL阳性) . 发现 SVT 病例的 PDW 和 PCT 以及 PC 与对照组相比有显着差异,特别是在特发性病例中。PI 是SVT 的潜在风险因素。
