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Global Hilbert Expansion for the Relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell–Boltzmann System
Communications in Mathematical Physics ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s00220-021-04079-x
Yan Guo , Qinghua Xiao

Consider the relativistic Vlasov–Maxwell–Boltzmann system describing the dynamics of an electron gas in the presence of a fixed ion background. Thanks to recent works Germain and Masmoudi (Ann Sci Éc Norm Supér 47(3):469–503, 2014), Guo et al. (J Math Phys 55(12):123102, 2014) and Deng et al. (Arch Ration Mech Anal 225(2):771–871, 2017), we establish the global-in-time validity of its Hilbert expansion and derive the limiting relativistic Euler–Maxwell system as the mean free path goes to zero. Our method is based on the \(L^2-L^{\infty }\) framework and the Glassey–Strauss Representation of the electromagnetic field, with auxiliary \(H^1\) estimates and \(W^{1,\infty }\) estimates to control the characteristic curves and corresponding \(L^{\infty }\) norm.



考虑相对论的Vlasov-Maxwell-Boltzmann系统,该系统描述了在固定离子背景下电子气的动力学。感谢Guermain和Masmoudi(Ann SciÉcNormSupér47(3):469–503,2014)的最新著作,Guo等。(J Math Phys 55(12):123102,2014)和Deng等人。(Arch Ration Mech Anal 225(2):771–871,2017),我们建立了其希尔伯特展开的全局时间有效性,并在平均自由程变为零时推导了相对论极限欧拉-麦克斯韦系统。我们的方法基于\(L ^ 2-L ^ {\ infty} \)框架和电磁场的Glassey-Strauss表示,具有辅助的(H ^ 1 \)估计和\(W ^ {1, \ infty} \)估计值以控制特征曲线和相应的\(L ^ {\ infty} \)规范。
