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A trustworthy and incentivized smart grid energy trading framework using distributed ledger and smart contracts
Journal of Network and Computer Applications ( IF 8.7 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jnca.2021.103074
Ajit Muzumdar , Chirag Modi , Madhu G.M. , C. Vyjayanthi

The smart grid integrated with renewable energy sources (RESs) allows to perform peer to peer selling of energy via Local Energy Market (LEM). However, it faces the challenges of lack of transparency and verification of energy distribution, single-point failure in the energy data management, user’s privacy, non-incentivized trading and lack of trust on the energy trading. To address these problems, we propose a trustworthy and incentivized framework for smart grid energy trading using distributed ledger technology and smart contracts. We propose different smart contracts viz; energy injection into smart grid, energy bidding to submit energy demand, energy trading and energy utilization. These contracts run on an ethereum blockchain platform with proof of stake (PoS) consensus mechanism to record energy trading related data. We have applied an iterative Vickrey–Clarke–Grove (Vickrey auction) method for the incentivized energy trading in context of both prosumers and consumers. The proposed framework offers trustworthy and incentivized trading of energy, participants’ privacy, data transparency and no single point failure. The experimental results of the proposed framework are derived in terms of average cost of energy injection and bidding transactions, throughput and the incentivized trading by considering different test scenarios.



集成了可再生能源(RES)的智能电网允许通过本地能源市场(LEM)进行对等能源销售。但是,它面临着以下挑战:缺乏透明度和能源分配的验证,能源数据管理中的单点故障,用户的隐私,无激励的交易以及对能源交易缺乏信任。为了解决这些问题,我们为使用分布式账本技术和智能合约的智能电网能源交易提出了一个值得信赖的激励机制。我们提出了不同的智能合同; 将能源注入智能电网,进行能源招标以提交能源需求,进行能源交易和利用能源。这些合约在以权益证明(PoS)共识机制的以太坊区块链平台上运行,以记录与能源交易相关的数据。我们在生产者和消费者两方面都采用了迭代的Vickrey-Clarke-Grove(Vickrey拍卖)方法进行激励性能源交易。提议的框架提供了值得信赖和激励的能源交易,参与者的隐私,数据透明性,并且没有单点故障。通过考虑不同的测试场景,从能量注入和投标交易的平均成本,吞吐量和激励交易的角度得出了所提出框架的实验结果。
