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Real-time visio-haptic interaction with static soft tissue model shaving geometric and material nonlinearity
arXiv - CS - Graphics Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: arxiv-2104.04387
Igor Peterlik, Mert Sedef, Cagatay Basdogan, Ludek Matyska

We propose a new approach allowing visio-haptic interaction with a FE model of a human liver having both non-linear geometric and material properties. The material properties used in the model are extracted from the experimental data of pig liver to make the simulations more realistic. Our computational approach consists of two main steps: a pre-computation of the configuration space of all possible deformation states of the model, followed by the interpolation of the precomputed data for the calculation of the reaction forces displayed to the user through a haptic device during the real-time interactions. No a priori assumptions or modeling simplifications about the mathematical complexity of the underlying soft tissue model, size and irregularity of the FE mesh are necessary. We show that deformation and force response of the liver in simulations are heavily influenced by the material model, boundary conditions, path of the loading and the type of function used for the interpolation of the pre-computed data.


