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Emotion Review ( IF 7.345 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-11 , DOI: 10.1177/17540739211002451
W. Gerrod Parrott 1

Starting with this issue, I become the sole Editor-in-Chief of Emotion Review. For the past 3 years I have shared this position with Yulia Chentsova-Dutton. I would like to express my gratitude for all that she has contributed to this journal as well as for the pleasure of our collaboration. For the first 2 of those years, our collaboration was extensive and face-to-face—there was no global pandemic, her office at Georgetown University was a few doors down the hall from mine, and we met regularly to discuss all editorial matters. The past year brought several changes, however. The pandemic, of course, put an end to our face-to-face meetings, while other circumstances led to her pausing her editorial work and ultimately deciding to step down. On behalf of the journal and International Society for Research on Emotion, I thank Dr Chentsova-Dutton for her contributions to Emotion Review and wish her well in her future endeavors.



从本期开始,我成为《情感评论》的唯一主编。在过去的三年中,我一直与Yulia Chentsova-Dutton担任这个职位。我要感谢她为该期刊所做的贡献以及我们的合作愉快。在那两年的头两年,我们的合作是广泛而面对面的-没有全球性的大流行,她在乔治敦大学的办公室就在我的门口几步之遥,我们定期开会讨论所有编辑问题。但是,过去的一年带来了一些变化。当然,这种流行病结束了我们的面对面会议,而其他情况导致她暂停了她的编辑工作,并最终决定辞职。我谨代表杂志和国际情感研究协会,感谢Chentsova-Dutton博士对“情感评论”的贡献 并祝她在未来的工作中一切顺利。