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The Hubble tension: Change in dark energy or a case for modified gravity?
Indian Journal of Physics ( IF 2 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1007/s12648-021-02080-7
C Sivaram , Kenath Arun , Louise Rebecca

Recently, much controversy has been raised about the cosmological conundrum involving the discrepancy in the value of the Hubble constant as implied by Planck satellite observations of the CMBR in the early Universe and that deduced from other distance indicators (for instance using standard candles like supernovae, tip of the red giant branch, etc.) in the present epoch. The Planck estimate is about \( 67\; {\text{km}}^{ - 1} \;{\text{Mpc}}^{ - 1} \), while that deduced from distance indicators at the present epoch is around \( 73 - 74 \;{\text{km}}^{ - 1} \;{\text{Mpc}}^{ - 1} \). Also the independent determination of the local value of the Hubble constant based on a calibration of the tip of the red giant branch and applied to Type Ia supernovae found a value of \( 69.8\;{\text{km}}^{ - 1} \;{\text{Mpc}}^{ - 1} \). Here we propose a modification of the gravitational field on large scales as an alternate explanation for this discrepancy in the value of the Hubble constant as implied in the above-mentioned method, i.e., by Planck observations of the CMBR in the early Universe, and that deduced from other distance indicators in the present epoch.



最近,关于宇宙学难题,引起了很多争议,涉及到由宇宙早期普朗克卫星对CMBR的普朗克卫星观测所暗示的哈勃常数值的差异,以及根据其他距离指标推论得出的结论(例如,使用标准蜡烛,如超新星,当前时代的红色巨型分支的尖端等)。普朗克估计约为\(67 \; {\ text {km}} ^ {-1} \; {\ text {Mpc}} ^ {-1} \),而从当前时期的距离指示器推导出的估计值为围绕\(73-74 \; {\ text {km}} ^ {-1} \; {\ text {Mpc}} ^ {-1} \)。此外,根据对红色巨型分支尖端的校准对哈勃常数的局部值进行独立确定,并应用于Ia型超新星,得出的值为\(69.8 \; {\ text {km}} ^ {-1} \; {\ text {Mpc}} ^ {-1} \)。在这里,我们提议对重力场进行大范围的修改,以作为上述方法所暗示的哈勃常数值差异的另一种解释,即通过早期宇宙中CMBR的普朗克观测,以及从当前时代的其他距离指示器推导出来。
