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Working Hard to Take the Easy Way Out: How the Need for Cognitive Closure Shapes Strategic Effort Investment to Ease Future Decision Making
Journal of Consumer Psychology ( IF 4.551 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jcpy.1245
Ashley S. Otto 1 , Joshua J. Clarkson 2 , Nathanael S. Martin 2

Consumers make countless decisions each day that force them to determine the amount of effort they are willing to invest into the decision process. Due to their desire for immediate resolution and propensity to seize upon available options, individuals high in the need for cognitive closure make decisions that are traditionally associated with reduced effort investment. Counter to this traditional perspective, this research demonstrates that those seeking closure strategically invest effort into the decision process, so long as the initial effort investment is expected to simplify similar decisions in the future. Three experiments demonstrate that those motivated by closure put forth greater effort when they expect to repeat the decision (Experiment 1) and in contexts where a justifiable choice option is not readily available (Experiment 2). Furthermore, this effort investment is shown to payoff in terms of streamlining subsequent decision making (Experiment 3). These findings detail the strategic use of effort by those seeking closure to ease future decision making and thus provide a conceptual framework for when and why those seeking closure allocate effort in decision making.



消费者每天做出无数决定,迫使他们确定他们愿意在决策过程中投入的努力。由于他们渴望立即解决问题并且倾向于抓住可用的选项,认知闭合需求高的人会做出传统上与减少努力投资相关的决策。与这种传统观点相反,这项研究表明,那些寻求关闭的人会在决策过程中战略性地投入精力,只要最初的努力投资有望在未来简化类似的决策。三个实验表明,当他们期望重复决定时(实验 1)和在一个合理的选择选项不容易获得的情况下(实验 2),那些受关闭驱动的人会付出更大的努力。此外,这种努力投资在简化后续决策方面显示出回报(实验 3)。这些发现详细说明了那些寻求关闭的人战略性地使用努力来简化未来的决策,从而为寻求关闭的人何时以及为何在决策中分配努力提供了一个概念框架。