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Lessons learned from exploring the potential of California's mini-corps tutors as future bilingual teachers
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism ( IF 3.165 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2021.1904820
Margarita Jimenez-Silva 1 , Nadeen Ruiz 1 , Samantha Smith 2


Currently, there are 1.3 million English Learners (EL) in California public schools (CDE 2018). The passage of Proposition 58, which presented multilingual education as key to students’ future economic success without every using the word bilingual, lifted the previous restrictions on bilingual education programs and increased the demand for programs and bilingual teachers. Recent studies have examined knowledge related to increasing the number of bilingual teachers (e.g. Martínez-Alvarez, P., I. Cuevas, and M. Torrez-Guzmán. 2017. “Preparing Bilingual Teachers: Mediating Belonging with Multimodal Explorations in Language, Identity, and Culture.” Journal of Teacher Education 68 (2): 155–178). A state-wide study of California school districts in 2017 showed that 58% intend to begin or expand bilingual education programs (Harris, V., and A. Sandoval-González. 2017. “Unveiling California’s Growing Bilingual Teacher Shortage: Addressing the Urgent Shortage, and Aligning the Workforce to Advances in Pedagogy and Practice in Bilingual Education.” Californians Together. 4–8). The research questions guiding this work were (1) Does the California Mini-Corps (CMC) program serve as a potential pool for today’s bilingual programs?, (2) If so, what cultural community wealth do tutors bring to teaching?, and (3) What support do tutors identify as critical in a teacher education credential program? In this quantitative study (n = 179), we examine how CMC tutors can address the critical teacher – shortage and identify the assets that graduates of the program bring to teacher education programs. We also explore the needed supports identified by the tutors as critical to their success in teacher credential programs.




目前,加州公立学校有 130 万英语学习者 (EL) (CDE 2018)。58 号提案的通过,将多语教育作为学生未来经济成功的关键,而不是每个人都使用双语这个词,取消了以前对双语教育项目的限制,增加了对项目和双语教师的需求。最近的研究检查了与增加双语教师数量相关的知识(例如 Martínez-Alvarez, P.、I. Cuevas 和 M. Torrez-Guzmán。2017 年。“准备双语教师:通过多模态探索在语言、身份、和文化。”教师教育杂志68 (2): 155–178)。2017 年对加州学区的一项全州研究表明,58% 的人打算开始或扩大双语教育计划(Harris, V. 和 A. Sandoval-González。2017。“揭示加州日益严重的双语教师短缺:解决紧迫的短缺问题,以及使劳动力与双语教育教学法和实践的进步保持一致。”加州人在一起。4-8)。指导这项工作的研究问题是(1)加州迷你军团(CMC)项目是否可以作为当今双语项目的潜在资源库?(2)如果是,导师为教学带来了哪些文化社区财富?以及( 3) 导师认为哪些支持在教师教育证书计划中至关重要?在这项定量研究中(n = 179),我们研究了 CMC 导师如何解决关键的教师短缺问题,并确定该项目的毕业生为教师教育项目带来的资产。我们还探讨了导师认为对他们在教师证书课程中取得成功至关重要的必要支持。
