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New herpetofaunal records from Gunung Mulu National Park and its surrounding areas in Borneo
Herpetozoa ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-09 , DOI: 10.3897/herpetozoa.34.e63998
Ryobu Fukuyama , Ibuki Fukuyama , Takaki Kurita , Yosuke Kojima , Mohamad Yazid Hossman , Akihiro Noda , Kanto Nishikawa

Gunung Mulu National Park (GMNP) in northwestern Borneo is marked by high species diversity and diverse environments. We present one new amphibian and ten new reptile records from GMNP and its surrounding area. In the records, Asthenodipsas jamilinaisi and Garthius chaseni were newly recorded in the Sarawak State. We also present the first record of Cyrtodactylus muluensis from outside of GMNP and the second record of Opisthotropis typica from the park. Combined with previous information, a total of 108 amphibians and 104 reptiles are known from GMNP, and their preferred habitat types are diverse. Furthermore, observed male-male combat of Dopasia buettikoferi is the first detailed description of the genus. Two color morphs of D. buettikoferi had an identical ND2 haplotype and appeared to be the same species. The present study provides new information about Bornean amphibians and reptiles, and also emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring.



婆罗洲西北部的Gunung Mulu国家公园(GMNP)的特点是物种多样性高,环境多样。我们介绍了GMNP及其周围地区的一只新的两栖动物和十只新的爬行动物记录。在记录中,沙捞越州新记录了Asthenodipsas jamilinaisi和Garthius chaseni。我们还提供了GMNP外部的第一记录,以及来自公园的Opisthotropis typica的第二记录。结合先前的信息,从GMNP已知总共有108个两栖动物和104个爬行动物,并且它们偏爱的栖息地类型也多种多样。此外,观察到的多巴种buettikoferi的雄性-雄性战斗是该属的第一个详细描述。D.buettikoferi的两种颜色形态具有相同的ND2单倍型,并且看起来是相同的物种。