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Technology transfer oriented to sustainable development: proposal of a theoretical model based on barriers and opportunities
Scientometrics ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1007/s11192-021-03969-0
Alana Corsi , Fabiane Florencio de Souza , Regina Negri Pagani , João Luiz Kovaleski

Until the year 2030, the objectives and targets proposed in the Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals need to be achieved, aiming to minimize various global problems. Bearing in mind this urgency, it is necessary that studies to help achieve these objectives be carried out. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to carry out a Systematic Literature Review of the technology transfer models existing in the literature, since the process can assist in promoting sustainable development, as well as possible barriers and opportunities for sustainable technology transfer processes. The results show that, despite the diversity of models available in the literature, there is an absence of a model that considers the sphere of sustainable development, and the possible barriers and opportunities in the formulation of its stages. Based on this, a conceptual Barriers and Opportunities-based model focused on sustainable development was proposed, aiming to fill the scientific gap found, thus contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. The model has four macro steps: Plan; Enable; Implement and Evaluate, which range from identifying the technological need to documentation, registration, and feedback on implementation. As a result, the model can anticipate and address possible barriers, making use of opportunities as facilitators. Also, this research contributes to the governmental sphere, since with the use of the model it is expected that it can assist in the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals.



在2030年之前,需要实现《可持续发展目标议程》中提出的目标,以最大程度地减少各种全球性问题。考虑到这种紧迫性,有必要进行研究以帮助实现这些目标。因此,这项工作的目的是对文献中现有的技术转让模型进行系统的文献综述,因为该过程可以帮助促进可持续发展,以及可持续技术转让过程的障碍和机遇。结果表明,尽管文献中可用的模型多种多样,但缺少一个模型来考虑可持续发展领域,以及在制定阶段时可能遇到的障碍和机遇。基于此,提出了一个以可持续发展为基础的概念性障碍和机遇模型,旨在填补发现的科学空白,从而为实现可持续发展目标做出贡献。该模型具有四个宏观步骤:计划;使能够; 实施和评估,范围从确定技术需求到文档,注册和实施反馈。结果,该模型可以利用机会作为促进者来预测和解决可能的障碍。此外,这项研究对政府领域也有贡献,因为通过使用该模型,预计它将有助于实现可持续发展目标。从而为实现可持续发展目标做出了贡献。该模型具有四个宏观步骤:计划;使能够; 实施和评估,范围从确定技术需求到文档,注册和实施反馈。结果,该模型可以利用机会作为促进者来预测和解决可能的障碍。此外,这项研究对政府领域也有贡献,因为通过使用该模型,预计它将有助于实现可持续发展目标。从而为实现可持续发展目标做出了贡献。该模型有四个宏观步骤:计划;使能够; 实施和评估,范围从确定技术需求到文档,注册和实施反馈。结果,该模型可以利用机会作为促进者来预测和解决可能的障碍。此外,这项研究对政府领域也有贡献,因为通过使用该模型,预计它将有助于实现可持续发展目标。
