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Value disputes in urban ecological restoration: Lessons from the Chicago Wilderness
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A ( IF 1 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.shpsa.2021.03.007
Ben Almassi 1

As a practice to facilitate the recovery of degraded ecosystems, ecological restoration is an inherently value-laden endeavor. Urban ecological restoration further underlines the complexity of value-ladenness involved by situating restoration in politically, ethically, epistemically, and otherwise normatively heterogenous social contexts. One such context that is particularly rich in opportunities for both significant restoration projects and social disputes about the value of such projects is the Chicago Wilderness, a region comprised of a variety of ecosystems on public and private lands across Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Here I offer a close reading of value disputes in the Chicago Wilderness among ecologists, practitioners, policymakers, activists, and journalists over the aims, methods, and constitutive activities of urban ecological restoration.



作为促进退化生态系统恢复的一种实践,生态恢复本质上是一项充满价值的努力。城市生态恢复进一步强调了将恢复置于政治、伦理、认知和其他规范异质的社会环境中所涉及的价值负载的复杂性。芝加哥荒野地区为重大修复项目和关于此类项目价值的社会争议提供了特别丰富的机会,该地区由威斯康星州、伊利诺伊州、印第安纳州和密歇根州的公共和私人土地上的各种生态系统组成. 在这里,我仔细阅读了芝加哥荒野中生态学家、实践者、政策制定者、活动家和记者之间关于目标、方法、
