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Evaluating Exclusion Barriers for Treefrogs in Agricultural Landscapes
Wildlife Society Bulletin ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-08 , DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1168
Daniel F. Hughes 1 , Michelle L. Green 2 , Jonathan K. Warner 3 , Paul C. Davidson 4

Agricultural co-management aims to promote environmental sustainability while maintaining food-safety standards. Amphibians, especially treefrogs, are known to enter fields of fresh produce intended for human consumption, which raises concerns for food safety and quality. We evaluated the effects of modifications to reduce the scalability of exclusion barriers on the fence-crossing behavior of Pacific treefrogs (Hyliola regilla) from lettuce fields in the Salinas Valley of California during January to May 2019. From small-scale field experiments, we found that fences modified with a horizontal lip at the top prevented all treefrogs from successfully crossing over. Fences incorporating sandpaper were also effective at deterring treefrog crossings compared to fences made of fiberglass square mesh (window screen) and polypropylene fabric (silt fence). The fence design that inhibited the most treefrog crossings—aluminum flashing with a horizontal lip—was a modification to commercially available material that is feasible to install at large scales, is durable over long periods of time, and can help to exclude additional nuisance wildlife, such as small mammals and lizards. Our findings provide quantitative evidence on the efficacy of an exclusion barrier constructed with off-the-shelf material that can be easily modified to improve the co-management of amphibians and agriculture. © 2021 The Authors. Wildlife Society Bulletin published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.



农业共同管理旨在促进环境可持续性,同时保持食品安全标准。众所周知,两栖动物,尤其是树蛙,会进入供人类消费的新鲜农产品领域,这引起了人们对食品安全和质量的担忧。我们评估了修改的影响,以减少排斥障碍的可扩展性对太平洋树蛙(Hyliola regilla) 于 2019 年 1 月至 5 月期间加利福尼亚州萨利纳斯山谷的生菜田。通过小规模的田间试验,我们发现在顶部带有水平唇缘的围栏阻止了所有树蛙成功穿越。与由玻璃纤维方网(窗纱)和聚丙烯织物(淤泥围栏)制成的围栏相比,包含砂纸的围栏在阻止树蛙穿越方面也很有效。阻止大多数树蛙穿越的围栏设计——带有水平边缘的铝闪光——是对市售材料的改进,可以大规模安装,经久耐用,并有助于排除额外的滋扰野生动物,比如小型哺乳动物和蜥蜴。我们的研究结果提供了关于使用现成材料构建的排除屏障有效性的定量证据,该材料可以轻松修改以改善两栖动物和农业的共同管理。© 2021 作者。野生动物协会公报由 Wiley Periodicals LLC 代表野生动物协会出版。