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Indigenous regionalism in the Andes
Globalizations ( IF 2.407 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-06 , DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2021.1907734
Roberta Rice 1


Top-down processes of regional integration among the Andean countries of South America are occurring alongside bottom-up processes of Indigenous regionalism in Bolivia and Ecuador that weave together Indigenous peoples’ territories across local administrative units and even national borders. In light of this dynamic, the study asks: What explains the new Indigenous regionalism in the Andes? And, what are its implications for formal processes of regional integration? The study examines the cases of the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin (COICA) and the National Council of Ayllus and Markas of Qullasuyo (CONAMAQ) as examples of Indigenous regionalism in relation to the institutional innovations of the Andean Community of Nations (CAN) to incorporate Indigenous organizations into its structure and agenda. The article argues that the intersections of regional integration, the enactment of the plurinational state, and Indigenous autonomies have provided the necessary institutional space for expressions of Indigenous regionalism to flourish.




南美洲安第斯国家之间自上而下的区域一体化进程与玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔自下而上的土著区域主义进程同时发生,这些进程将土著人民的领土跨越地方行政单位甚至国界编织在一起。鉴于这种动态,该研究提出了问题:什么解释了安第斯山脉新的土著区域主义?而且,它对区域一体化的正式进程有何影响?该研究考察了亚马逊河流域土著组织协调员 (COICA) 和 Qullasuyo 的 Ayllus 和 Markas 全国委员会 (CONAMAQ) 的案例,作为与安第斯国家共同体的制度创新相关的土著区域主义的例子 ( CAN) 将土著组织纳入其结构和议程。
