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Threatening Whiteness: “Angry Russell” and the Rhetoricity of Race
Rhetoric Society Quarterly ( IF 0.878 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1080/02773945.2021.1877802
Linsay M. Cramer , Andrew R. Donofrio


Using racial rhetorical criticism, we apply and extend Flores’s theory of racial recognition to United States news and sports media usages of “Angry Russell” as a name for National Basketball Association (NBA) star Russell Westbrook. Focusing on media coverage of an 11 March 2019 incident in which a Utah Jazz fan allegedly yelled racist and homophobic taunts at Westbrook during an Oklahoma City Thunder game against the Utah Jazz, we map how the mediated attention to Westbrook’s “anger” and so-called threatening behavior is a form of spatiotemporal collapse that situates Black male bodies as menacing and violent sites of subordination to whiteness. We then interrogate how player statuses and the intimacy of NBA arenas themselves, like Vivint Smart Home Arena, operate as sites of spatiotemporal excess by signaling a recognition of race as unable to be contained within the racial categories established by whiteness.




通过种族修辞批评,我们将弗洛雷斯的种族认同理论应用并扩展到了美国新闻和体育媒体对“愤怒的罗素”的使用,以此作为美国国家篮球协会(NBA)明星罗素·威斯布鲁克的名字。着重于媒体报道2019年3月11日的事件,其中在一场俄克拉荷马城雷霆对阵犹他爵士的比赛中,一名犹他爵士球迷据称在韦斯特布鲁克对韦斯特布鲁克大喊种族主义和同性恋嘲讽,我们绘制了媒体对韦斯特布鲁克的``愤怒''和所谓的所谓``愤怒''的关注威胁性行为是时空崩溃的一种形式,将黑人男性身体定位为屈从于白色的威胁性和暴力场所。然后,我们询问球员状态和NBA竞技场本身的亲密感,例如Vivint Smart Home Arena,
