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The Yannelis–Prabhakar theorem on upper semi-continuous selections in paracompact spaces: extensions and applications
Economic Theory ( IF 1.423 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-05 , DOI: 10.1007/s00199-021-01359-4
M. Ali Khan , Metin Uyanik

We root this tribute to Nicholas Yannelis in Chapter II of his 1983 Rochester Ph.D. dissertation, and in his 1983 paper with Prabhakar: this work strengthens the lower semicontinuity assumption of Michael’s continuous selection theorem to open lower sections, and leads to correspondences defined on a paracompact space with values on a Hausdorff linear topological space. We move beyond the literature to provide a necessary and sufficient condition for upper semi-continuous local and global selections of correspondences, and apply our result to four domains of Yannelis’ contributions: Berge’s maximum theorem, the Gale–Nikaido–Debreu lemma, the Sonnenschein–Shafer non-transitive setting, and the Anderson–Khan–Rashid approximate existence theorem. The last also resonates with Chapter VI of Yannelis’ dissertation, and allows a more general framing of the pioneering application of the paracompactness condition to his current and ongoing work in mathematical economics.



我们在1983年罗彻斯特博士的第二章中对尼古拉斯·扬内利斯(Nicholas Yannelis)表示敬意。论文,以及他在1983年与Prabhakar的论文中:这项工作加强了迈克尔连续选择定理的低半连续假设,以打开下部,并导致在超紧实空间上定义的对应性与Hausdorff线性拓扑空间上的值相对应。我们超越了文献,为上半连续的局部和全局对应选择提供了必要和充分的条件,并将我们的结果应用于Yannelis贡献的四个领域:Berge的最大定理,G​​ale–Nikaido–Debreu引理,Sonnenschein -Shafer非及物设置,以及Anderson-Khan-Rashid近似存在定理。最后一点也与Yannelis论文的第六章产生了共鸣,超紧凑性为他目前和正在进行的数学经济学工作创造了条件。
