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Animation of virtual medical system under the background of virtual reality technology
Computational Intelligence ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-04 , DOI: 10.1111/coin.12446
Liang Li 1 , Tingting Li 1

Virtual reality technology is a technology that uses a variety of scientific technologies such as computer systems, image displays, and sensors to perform human–computer interaction. Since the advent of virtual reality technology, the virtual reality + medical model has been highly expected. At present, three-dimensional (3D) animation technology can be used in combination with virtual reality technology in medical systems. 3D animation technology can transform the transformed human medical image into a 3D character model, and animate the corresponding bones, and observe the model on the screen and operate the model like real surgery, completing virtual medical content learning, virtual medical skill training, virtual surgery preview. Applying 3D animation technology to virtual reality surgery training can effectively bypass the limitations of traditional surgery training modes, form multiple interactive real-time effects, and bring a rich perceptual experience to the audience. Based on the above background, the research content of this article is the study of virtual medical system animation under the background of virtual reality technology. This paper analyzes the feasibility of virtual reality technology and 3D animation modeling, and designs a virtual medical system based on this. Finally, through experimental simulations, the results show that the gap h is getting larger and larger after the first approximation, and the gap between the Euler explicit method and the true value is larger, while the implicit method is more stable, and the gap does not increases too quickly with the increase of h. Hence choosing the implicit method to calculate Δt to obtain a larger value will not affect the stability of the solution.



虚拟现实技术是利用计算机系统、图像显示、传感器等多种科学技术进行人机交互的技术。自虚拟现实技术问世以来,虚拟现实+医疗的模式就被寄予厚望。目前,三维(3D)动画技术可以结合虚拟现实技术应用于医疗系统。3D动画技术可以将变换后的人体医学影像转化为3D人物模型,并对相应的骨骼进行动画处理,在屏幕上观察模型,像真正的手术一样操作模型,完成虚拟医疗内容学习、虚拟医疗技能培训、虚拟手术预习。将3D动画技术应用到虚拟现实手术训练中,可以有效突破传统手术训练模式的局限,形成多重互动实时效果,给观众带来丰富的感性体验。基于以上背景,本文的研究内容是虚拟现实技术背景下的虚拟医疗系统动画研究。本文分析了虚拟现实技术和3D动画建模的可行性,并在此基础上设计了一个虚拟医疗系统。最后,通过实验模拟,结果表明差距 本文的研究内容是虚拟现实技术背景下的虚拟医疗系统动画研究。本文分析了虚拟现实技术和3D动画建模的可行性,并在此基础上设计了一个虚拟医疗系统。最后,通过实验模拟,结果表明差距 本文的研究内容是虚拟现实技术背景下的虚拟医疗系统动画研究。本文分析了虚拟现实技术和3D动画建模的可行性,并在此基础上设计了一个虚拟医疗系统。最后,通过实验模拟,结果表明差距第一次逼近后h越来越大,欧拉显式方法与真实值的差距更大,而隐式方法更稳定,差距不会随着h的增加而过快增加。因此选择隐式方法计算Δt以获得较大的值不会影响解的稳定性。