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Estimating age and growth of roosterfish (Nematistius pectoralis) from otoliths
Fisheries Research ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.105958
Ulianov Jakes-Cota , Rafael Chavéz-Arellano , Chugey Sepulveda , Scott Aalbers , Sofía Ortega-García

The roosterfish is a coastal pelagic species that inhabits shallow waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Despite its ecological and economic importance within the region, there are few studies on its basic biology, especially those focused on age and individual growth. Therefore, the objective of this study was to estimate roosterfish age and individual growth parameters through counting growth increments of sagittal otoliths. The work focused on organisms caught off Baja California Sur, Mexico (BCS) by both the sport and artisanal fishing fleets from 2010–2017. A total of 266 organisms were sampled during the study period, ranging in size from 5.2–133 cm fork length. A model was generated to describe the relationship between otolith radius (OR) and fork length (FL) of the fish, where FL = -43.3 + 44.59 OR. The periodicity of otolith growth increment formation was annual, and this study found roosterfish age estimates to range from 0 to 8 years old, with most individuals ranging from 1–2 years of age. Based on the fitting of the data to three individual growth models (Gompertz, Logistic and von Bertalanffy, VBGF), the VBGF best fit the individual growth curve for roosterfish. The VBGF parameter of L = 131.53, k = 0.35 y t0 = -0.23 supports previous studies and suggests that roosterfish are very fast growing in the first years of life.


从耳石中估计公鸡鱼Nematistius pectoralis)的年龄和生长

公鸡鱼是一种沿海中上层鱼类,栖息于东太平洋浅水区。尽管其在该地区具有生态和经济重要性,但对其基本生物学的研究很少,尤其是那些针对年龄和个体生长的研究。因此,本研究的目的是通过计算矢状耳石的生长增量来估计公鸡鱼的年龄和个体生长参数。这项工作的重点是从2010年至2017年,运动和手工捕鱼船队在墨西哥南下加利福尼亚州(BCS)捕获的生物。在研究期间共采样了266种生物,大小范围为5.2–133 cm叉长。生成了一个模型来描述鱼的耳石半径(OR)和叉子长度(FL)之间的关系,其中FL = -43.3 + 44.59。耳石生长增量形成的周期是每年一次,这项研究发现公鸡鱼的年龄估计为0到8岁,大多数个体为1-2岁。根据数据与三个个体生长模型(Gompertz,Logistic和von Bertalanffy,VBGF)的拟合,VBGF最适合公鸡鱼的个体生长曲线。的VBGF参数大号= 131.53,k = 0.35 yŤ0 = -0.23支持先前的研究,并表明公鸡鱼在生命的最初几年中增长非常快。
