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Every day is a possibility: Modernity, struggle, and the politics of solidarity in the writing of Teju Cole
Atlantic Studies Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1080/14788810.2021.1876475
Christopher M. Tinson 1


Teju Cole’s literary and essayistic work opens interdisciplinary and transnational conversations concerning the work of solidarity politics at least four decades in the making. Opening with a look at his first novel, Every Day is for the Thief (2007, 2014), the author probes aspects of his work in relation to other writers, such as the late writer June Jordan and Suheir Hammad who mobilize and challenge conceptions of solidarity. The author views Cole’s writing as an itinerant politic of navigation through potent and historically contentious landscapes of his native Nigeria, the United States, and Palestine. The author argues that these seemingly distant spatial markers signify broad struggles at the heart of modernity concerning land, human rights, and violent dispossession. The author holds these examples in contradistinction to conditions facing Black lives throughout the African diaspora while examining Cole’s work as mining new possibilities enlivened through familiar terrains of political struggle.


每一天都有可能:Teju Cole 写作中的现代性、斗争和团结政治


Teju Cole 的文学和散文作品开启了跨学科和跨国对话,这些对话涉及至少有四年时间的团结政治工作。开篇看他的第一部小说《天天都是小偷》(2007 年、2014 年),作者探讨了他与其他作家相关的作品的各个方面,例如已故作家琼·乔丹和苏海尔·哈马德,他们动员和挑战了团结的概念。作者将科尔的作品视为一种在他的家乡尼日利亚、美国和巴勒斯坦的强大且具有历史争议的景观中航行的巡回政治。作者认为,这些看似遥远的空间标记标志着现代性核心关于土地、人权和暴力剥夺的广泛斗争。作者将这些例子与整个非洲散居地的黑人生活所面临的状况形成对比,同时将科尔的工作视为挖掘通过熟悉的政治斗争领域而活跃起来的新可能性。
