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Convergence for a planar elliptic problem with large exponent Neumann data
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ( IF 1.3 ) Pub Date : 2021-04-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125200
Habib Fourti

We study positive solutions up of the nonlinear Neumann elliptic problem Δu=u in Ω, u/ν=|u|p1u on ∂Ω, where Ω is a bounded open smooth domain in R2. We investigate the asymptotic behavior of families of solutions up satisfying an energy bound condition when the exponent p is getting large. Inspired by the work of Davila-del Pino-Musso [8], we prove that up is developing m peaks xiΩ, in the sense upp/Ωupp approaches the sum of m Dirac masses at the boundary and we determine the localization of these concentration points.



我们研究积极的解决方案 üp 诺伊曼椭圆问题的分析 Δü=ü 以Ω为单位 ü/ν=|ü|p-1个ü 在∂Ω上,其中Ω是 [R2个。我们调查解决方案族的渐近行为üp当指数p变大时满足能量限制条件。受到Davila-del Pino-Musso [8]的启发,我们证明了üp正在发展m个山峰X一世Ω, 在这个意义上 üpp/Ωüpp接近边界处m个狄拉克质量的总和,我们确定了这些集中点的位置。
